Supposedly, summer is a time for relaxation and rest. Meanwhile, our skin at the threshold of autumn often looks as if it had just experienced a prolonged survival. In a sense, it is. Take care of your protective coat as soon as possible, because it is not only a condition of beauty, but also health.
Extreme weather conditions, temperature fluctuations, sweat dripping down your nose, abrasions, dryness, rushing, different tap water, chlorine in the pool, salt in the sea, less carefully selected cosmetics, other detergents for washing underwear or bed linen – all of this could have happened to your skin and harmed it.
Moisturizing, relaxing, regenerating – your face, hands, whole body, are just begging for some care and tenderness. Usually 3 ingredients are enough to make it really good.
Acid + vitamin + oil, or a recipe for beautiful skin in the fall
No matter what your vacation was like, your skin definitely needs hydration: from the outside and inside.
If you haven't learned to provide the right amount of fluids, now is the best time to change it. No cream, serum or mask will help dry, dehydrated tissues.
The perfect post-holiday regenerative cosmetic should contain 3 key ingredients:
Don't worry about weighing your skin down. It will thank you, just give it some time to absorb the invaluable helpers. Maybe start your repair program in the morning on the weekend or when you get home when you're not going anywhere.
Skin regeneration after vacation and aloe
Products that contain aloe also prove to be reliable. This succulent consists of 96% water, which is also excellently stored in adverse weather conditions. These unique properties prove to be a soothing balm for our skin.
Remember that your face requires special attention. On the one hand, it is your calling card, on the other, the skin on your face usually experiences the most challenges.
Think about an overnight mask – thick, nourishing, appropriately selected for your age and skin type.
Skin after the holidays – it's time to see a specialist
All for nothing? Do you feel that your skin is still tense, tired and not getting back into shape? Unfortunately, it happens sometimes, especially in two situations – when you get new discolorations and clearly visible wrinkles during the holidays.
Usually, no cream, even a very good one, will restore the skin to its pre-summer state, during which such clearly visible changes appeared.
In such circumstances, it is worth talking to a dermatologist, or possibly considering a procedure in the field of aesthetic medicine, because it requires surgery in deeper layers of the skin, e.g. with the help of a laser. You probably won't achieve this at home.