
Back to school: don’t buy these coloring markers!

Back to school: don't buy these coloring markers!

A batch of coloring markers is the subject of a product recall. Because they exceed the recommended thresholds of phthalates, these products can be hazardous to health. Explanations.

Be careful if you have recently purchased school supplies for your child’s back to school. Recall Conso has issued a product recall for a batch of TOP BUDGET brand coloring pens, marketed in Intermarché stores from 01/26/2023 to 08/11/2023. Due to the presence of phthalates, these are no longer available for sale. If you have this lot, TipsForWomens takes stock of the procedure to follow.

Presence of phthalates in felts

Here is the information you need to know about this batch of incriminated coloring pens:

  • Product category: Babies-Children (excluding food);
  • Product Subcategory: Toys;
  • Product Brand Name: TOP BUDGET;
  • Model names or references: 3410280109275 pouch of 18 TOP BUDGET coloring pens;
  • Identification des produitsGTINLot3410280109275 ;
  • Lot : 130341 130534 130697 ;
  • Packaging: Plastic pouch;
  • Marketing start/end date: From 01/26/2023 to 08/11/2023;
  • Geographical area of ​​sale: entire France;
  • Distributors: INTERMARCHE.

Return the product

Still according to the site of dangerous product alerts, following checks, “exceeding the thresholds of phthalates authorized by the REACH regulation, resulting in a risk of ingestion of these compounds” has been highlighted.

As a precaution, it is recommended not to let your child use them. Indeed, ANSES considers this chemical derivative of phthalic acid as an endocrine disruptor. Some phthalates have even been classified by the European Chemicals Agency as carcinogenic. However, you can return the lot to the point of sale to receive a refund.

For any further information, contact 08 05 10 11 15.

About author

Maria Teolis is a psychologist. Collaborator at the Elpis Center of Ispra (Varese) multidisciplinary study specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders (behavioral disorders, learning, etc.), psychotherapy for children and adults, psychomotor, pedagogical, speech therapy, educational and osteopathic treatment, where she deals with training activities and strengthening specific skills and is involved in different types of projects aimed at children and adolescents. It collaborates with a cooperative offering educational and support services to children and young people with behavioral problems, learning or problems of different nature related to the evolutionary sphere. Attentive to the aspects of psycho-motor development, she carries out activities with children aimed at strengthening and increasing motor, emotional and relational skills. She currently attends a master in Sports Psychology. [email protected]