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Benefits of persimmon: 10 properties

Benefits of persimmon: 10 properties
  1. Persimmon and its types
  2. Calorie content
  3. The benefits of persimmon
  4. Harm of persimmon
  5. Doctor’s review

Types of persimmons

There are several common varieties of persimmon:

  • “Korolek” or chocolate persimmon. The fruits are not astringent, round in shape, bright orange peel and brown flesh. The darker the persimmon, the juicier it is.
  • “Bull’s Heart” Persimmon received its name for its similarity to a variety of tomatoes. The product is difficult to transport and store – the fruit is soft and easily bursts when pressed.
  • “Honey” The shape is similar to a tangerine, and the taste has different shades of honey. This persimmon has no seeds, so it is in special demand.
  • “Chamomile” or fig. The earliest variety with orange flesh that darkens as it ripens. The inside of the fruit is divided into sections like the petals of a flower.
  • “Chinese”. Unusual cone-shaped shape with a dent around the fruit. Thick skin and not very sweet flesh.

There are other less popular varieties in Europe, for example, “Velvet”, “Tamopan Bolshoy”, “Mount Goverla”, “Mider”, “Khiakume”, “Sharon” and “John Rick”.

Calorie content of persimmon, nutritional value

100 g of ripe persimmon contains 70–130 kcal, depending on the variety. The fruit contains many useful substances, including:

Table with the content of nutrients in persimmons
Table with the content of nutrients in persimmons

Energy composition:

  • Calorie content – 70-130 calories / 100 g depending on the variety
  • Proteins: 0.5 g (~2 kcal)
  • Fat: 0.4 g (~4 kcal)
  • Carbohydrates: 15.3 g (~61 kcal)

Benefits of persimmon: 10 properties

Did you know that persimmon helps prevent heart attack, varicose veins and ARVI? The permissible daily intake is about 700 g (2-3 fruits depending on size), and this is enough to support the immune system, improve vision and improve mood. We know at least ten reasons to buy this healthy berry today.

1. Promotes digestion

Fiber in vegetables and fruits removes toxins, stimulates intestinal function and increases the secretion of gastric juice. However, persimmons contain tannins, which, if you have a weak stomach, can slow down digestion, cause intestinal obstruction and cause abdominal pain. Therefore, it is also not recommended to give persimmon to children under three years of age who have not yet developed digestion.

2. Persimmon is good for the blood

Stress and poor nutrition can lead to the development of anemia, when hemoglobin levels in the blood decrease. The main symptoms are dizziness, drowsiness and apathy. In such cases, in addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor, you can include persimmon in your diet. It helps produce red blood cells, thins, accelerates and cleanses the blood – the body is enriched with oxygen, blood pressure becomes stable and health improves.

3. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels

To increase the elasticity of blood vessels, you need to consume vitamins C, P and PP. All of them are contained in persimmons (vitamin C makes up almost 20% of the total vitamin composition of the fruit). In addition, as already mentioned, persimmon accelerates the blood, increases the outflow and prevents it from stagnating. Therefore, persimmons should be included in your diet if you have a tendency to varicose veins or rosacea.

4. Persimmon improves vision

Vitamin A and beta-carotene in the fruit strengthen the eye muscle and speed up the process of tissue repair. Persimmon contains zeaxanthin, which reduces the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. This substance helps preserve vision, research from the US National Eye Institute confirms.

Photo: trent erwin/unsplash

5. Is a source of iodine

Problems with the endocrine system are one of the factors behind weight gain. For normal functioning of the thyroid gland, iodine is necessary, and persimmon contains 30 mcg of this element per 100 g of product. Lack of iodine can affect brain problems and slow mental and physical development in children, warns WHO. A person needs 2–2.5 mcg of iodine per 1 kg of body weight per day, and specialists from the Endocrinological Research Center of the European Medical Technologies Agency advise pregnant and lactating women to consume at least 250 mcg of iodine every day.

6. Persimmon helps remove excess fat

Magnesium and potassium in persimmon support the excretory and genitourinary systems. By consuming the fruit daily, you will reduce the risk of kidney stones; persimmon will help remove excess salts from the body and remove swelling of the hands and feet.

7. Persimmon strengthens the heart

Research by scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has confirmed that eating one persimmon per day significantly reduces the risk of developing a heart attack. Minerals and phenolic compounds are essential to combat atherosclerosis, which is when arteries become blocked, leading to heart attacks and strokes.

8. Improves mood

The fruit contains B vitamins, and without them the normal functioning of the nervous system is impossible. Tryptophan, which is part of persimmon, is involved in the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness and joy. Just two persimmon berries per day are enough for positive thoughts and good mood.

Photo: juan camilo navia/unsplash

9. Persimmon supports immunity

Due to the high content of vitamin C (about 80% of the daily value in one fruit), persimmon stimulates the immune system. The sweet berry increases the number of white blood cells, which protect the body from fungal and viral infections. In case of bronchial disease, persimmon helps to remove mucus more actively, protecting against possible pneumonia. Persimmon juice can be used to gargle for colds.

10. Provides the body with calcium

Calcium is necessary for strong bones, normal functioning of the heart and nervous system. Every year, all bones are renewed very slowly, and for this they need calcium. In addition, if this element is not supplied with food, then the body takes it and uses it from the bones. 100 g of persimmon contains about 127 mg of calcium, which is more than 11% of the daily requirement for humans.

Harm of persimmon

The fruit contains a lot of sucrose, so it should not be consumed often if you are trying to normalize your weight. A doctor may prohibit persimmons for diabetes and pancreatic disorders. The fruit has a lot of tannins; It is they that give it an astringent taste, and can also slow down the digestive process by gluing together particles of eaten foods. For this reason, you should avoid persimmons if you have diagnosed gastrointestinal diseases. And limit it in the diet of children under three years of age.

What to do if persimmon knits?

Why are persimmons knitting? This suggests that she is immature. If you bought such a persimmon, you can bring it to maturity at home. It is best to put persimmons in a dark bag along with bananas and apples – this way they will become soft and sweet in three to four days. You can also put the fruits in the freezer for a day or, conversely, in warm water for 12–14 hours.

Expert commentary

Elmira Gereeva, psychologist, consultant on weight correction and eating behavior, nutritionist, head of the educational department of the School of Emotional Intelligence

How to choose ripe persimmons?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the color of the fruit. It should be bright orange. Persimmons should not be hard. It is optimal to choose one that does not fall apart in your hand when pressed. Persimmons must be stored in a fairly cool place, the main thing is not to freeze the fruit.

When is persimmon season in Europe?

The persimmon season in Europe begins around the end of October and lasts until December/January. If you buy this fruit out of season, it will be more expensive, but the nutritional value will not change. Of course, it is more rational to buy persimmons during their ripening.

Who should not eat persimmons and why?

An excess of anything can have a detrimental effect on any person. It is worth understanding that we are talking about a systemic oversupply, and not a one-time action. There are no contraindications for persimmon, but due to its slightly higher glycemic index, people with metabolic syndrome often avoid it. At the same time, it is not necessary to exclude such foods, because the main task in a healthy diet is to eat a varied diet. Therefore, if you…

About author

Giovanna Pirri (Nutritional Biologist) Graduated in Biological Sciences with a thesis on the nutritional approach in the diabetic patient, she graduated with full marks in Health Biology at the University of Padua in 2008 . In 2011 she passed the State Exam and qualified for the profession of Nutritional Biologist . She obtained the Master in Human Nutrition in Milan, and remains constantly updated through characterizing courses on the universe of food. [email protected]