You’ve probably noticed that certain foods can make your body smell bad, and garlic bread or onion soup, for example, can affect your breath. But did you know that other foods can also affect the way your body smells?
The gastroenterologist Dr. In an article from the renowned Cleveland Clinic (USA), Christine Lee explains how different foods affect body odor after consumption.
Which foods affect my body odor?
Essentially, the foods that affect your body odor the most are those that are high in sulfuric acid. Here are some foods that can change your smell and why:
Spices like curry, cumin, and fenugreek can have a powerful effect when they sit on the tongue and teeth. Not only can these foods affect your breath for hours, but they can also stick to your hair, skin, and clothing.
They also contain volatile compounds that can be absorbed into your bloodstream and released through your sweat glands, resulting in a distinct odor.
Garlic and onions
Garlic and onions are known causes of bad breath.
In some people, they can also increase metabolism, body heat and sweat.
Dr. Lee explains that this can cause the bacteria on your skin to mix with the sweat you secrete via your apocrine glands (which are connected to your hair follicles), resulting in an unpleasant odor.
Red meat
When you eat red meat, it can release odorless proteins through sweat. “But when these proteins mix with skin bacteria, their odor increases,” says Dr. Lee.
Cruciferous vegetables
Your favorite vegetables and side dishes can also cause unexpected smells. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower release sulfuric acid. This smell is increased by sweat, breath or flatulence.
If asparagus is part of your regular diet, you may have noticed that it affects your urine. When the aspartic acid found in asparagus is digested by your body, it is converted into sulfuric acid. This gives your urine a strong sulfur smell.
However, since every person metabolizes food differently, this will not be the case for everyone. Additionally, in some cases, certain genetic variations may prevent you from detecting the smell.
Surprisingly, a cocktail at happy hour or even a wine with dinner can also cause unwanted odors. Alcohol is converted into acetic acid, which is released through the pores of your skin and your breath.
Depending on your genes, fish could be one of the factors affecting your body odor. In very rare cases, the body converts a seafood byproduct called choline into the fishy-smelling trimethylamine. This compound travels throughout the body and is released through the breath and skin.
In trimethylaminuria, also known as TAMU or fishy smell syndrome, the body cannot process trimethylamine. This causes urine, breath and sweat to smell like rotten fish. Although this syndrome is unpleasant, it is not particularly dangerous and only a few people are affected by it.
Reduce body odor
Body odor is a natural part of life, but it can be stressful and sometimes embarrassing. If you notice more body odor than usual, it might be a good idea to reconsider your hygiene habits and the foods you eat.
Here are some tips for reducing body odor:
Maintain good personal hygiene: The most effective way to prevent body odor is with a consistent and thorough washing routine. You should particularly focus on the areas where the apocrine glands are located, such as your groin and armpit areas. Use an antibacterial soap to kill odor-causing bacteria on your skin and wash your towels and bathrobes regularly.
Wear breathable clothing: Especially if you’re in a hot climate or know you’ll sweat, it’s good to wear loose-fitting clothing made from natural fabrics like cotton or linen. Avoid synthetic fabrics like polyester or nylon – these can trap sweat and bacteria and increase body odor.
Use antiperspirants and deodorants: Antiperspirants reduce sweat production, while deodorants mask odors.
Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help flush out toxins and reduce body odor. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water every day.
Adjust your diet: If you notice that certain foods cause unpleasant body odor, you should adjust your diet. For example, if you tend to have bad breath or body odor after eating garlic or onions, you should avoid these foods or use them sparingly. You can also try using herbs and spices to add flavor to your meals.
It’s worth noting that body odor is also influenced by other factors, such as genetics, personal hygiene, and certain medical conditions. If you are concerned about your body odor, you should review your diet or speak to a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. (ad)