Health and Fitness

Chemosis: symptoms, causes, how to treat it?

Chemosis: symptoms, causes, how to treat it?

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Chemosis is a common symptom characterized by swelling of the conjunctiva. Caused by inflammation, trauma or allergy, a rim forms around the cornea, which is the transparent porthole located in front of the eye. The instillation of eye drops is often prescribed by the ophthalmologist.

Definition of chemosis, edema of the white of the eye

The chémosis corresponds to swelling of the conjunctiva. “The conjunctiva is a membrane that lines the white part of the eye and the eyelid., explains Doctor Cati Albou-Ganem, ophthalmic surgeon. “The conjunctiva forms a small cul-de-sac: it covers the eyeball and returns to line the inner surface of the eyelid. When the conjunctiva swells, it is a membrane edema whose medical term used is chemosis”.

Causes: how does conjunctivitis start (allergic, viral, etc.)?

The chémosisjust like conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva), systematically reflects irritation of the membrane, whether it is original viral, allergic, bacterial, pathological or traumatic. It can be the result of an irritation of the cornea called keratitis or occur in a patient suffering from dry eye syndrome. Chemosis is therefore a defense reaction whose causes vary.

Symptoms of eye chemosis

Normally, the conjunctiva is completely flat. In case of conjunctival edema or chemosis, the main symptom is discomfort in the eye. “This embarrassed is caused by a foreign body sensation in the eye, which can also turn red. Edema is a frequent reason for consultation in ophthalmology.

THE symptoms vary depending on the cause of chemosis:

  • Eye secretionsexcessive tearing, especially in cases of viral or bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • Dry eyetingling or burning sensation;
  • Itchy eyeespecially if the cause is allergic;
  • Blurred vision ;
  • The feeling of heat can also be a symptom, in the case of Quincke's edema for example.

What is episcleritis?

Episcleritis is an inflammation of the episclera, which is not in the same category as chemosis. “The eye is a closed cavity. The sclera is the tough white wall that gives rigidity to the eyeball. Above this wall is the episclera and the conjunctiva. These are two extremely thin and vascularized membranes, which protect the eyeball. Episcleritis is therefore the inflammation of the episclera which covers the sclera.” specifies Dr Albou-Ganem.

THE causes of episcleritis are diverse, but they are mainly illnesses, irritation or allergy. The treatment is a local anti-inflammatory. The difference with chemosis is that in the case of episcleritis, the membrane does not increase in volume. The main symptoms are rather localized redness and irritation on part of the episclera. In summary, the discomfort is less significant than for chemosis, but the eye is redder in cases of scleritis.

Diagnosis of conjunctival chemosis

The diagnosis of chemosis is possible thanks to the reference ophthalmological examination with the biomicroscope. “The biomicroscope is a slit lamp allowing it to pass through the different environments of the eye, offering cut-away vision. It's a bit like making a cross-section of the ocular tissues,” comments the ophthalmologist. “It's a mandatory tool used for any ophthalmological examination.”

Treatment: how to get rid of chemosis or conjunctivitis?

How to treat chemosis?

Chemosis is treated according to its cause:

  • Of the antibiotic eye drops if it is a bacterial infection;
  • Of the anti-allergic eye drops in the event of an ocular allergy often associated with ENT allergies (hay fever, etc.);
  • The frequent eye washing with physiological serum in case of viral infection;
  • Of the artificial tears and drops for the eyes to keep the eye moist;
  • Sometimes, anti-inflammatories, particularly to treat conjunctivitis. These eye drops should be avoided in the event of herpetic disease.

How long does it take to cure chemosis?

The healing of chemosis is generally rapid, in about a week. However, the duration varies depending on the cause. “If the chemosis is of allergic origin, healing takes longer, especially during the pollen period. Chronic conditions, like dry eye syndrome, have a longer healing time as well. If necessary, the ophthalmologist prescribes anti-inflammatories to speed up healing..


The prevention of chemosis linked to illness or allergy is possible. “The allergic patient can make instillations at the start of the pollen season, for an average duration of 3 months. If the patient suffers from dry eye syndrome, he can apply moisturizing eye drops. In the field of ophthalmology, the instillation of eye drops is very effective. termine le Dr Albou-Ganem.

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