
How to extend eyelashes: types, effects, techniques

How to extend eyelashes: types, effects, techniques

Eyelash extensions increase the length, thickness and density of natural eyelashes. It allows you to model your image, creating almost any effect: from a wide-open look to the popular fox eyes. However, this does not last long. Natural eyelashes will fall out over time, and with them the extended ones.

  • How they do it
  • Kinds
  • Effects
  • How much do they wear?
  • Contraindications
  • Trends 2024

The material was commented on by:

Ulyana Vasilyeva, eyelash extension specialist SLOWMO Beauty & Cosmetology;

Alina Ivanova, lashmaker at the White Fox beauty center chain.

Eyelash extensions: main stages


The “C” curl is one of the most popular and suits almost everyone, while the “L” and “L+” shapes look better on deep-set eyes or with an Asian cut.

Extended eyelashes are natural or artificial hairs that are attached to natural eyelashes with special glue to give them volume, thickness and length. The procedure is performed by an eyelash extension specialist in a salon or at home. The duration of the session depends on the complexity of the work, on average it takes about two hours. All this time you will have to lie on your back with your eyes closed. After extension, the eyelashes are “worn” immediately and there are no serious restrictions on lifestyle.

Step by step eyelash extensions look like this:

  1. Consultation: This is the first meeting, in person or online, with the master who will be doing eyelash extensions. All the nuances and wishes are discussed. The master should tell you about the types of extensions, materials and main contraindications. Depending on the request, he will evaluate which extension technique is most acceptable and offer options.

  2. Preparation: selection of artificial eyelashes. Eyelash extensions are made from different materials, including silk, mink wool or synthetic fibers. They come in different lengths, shades and curl levels. The material is selected based on the shape of the face, eye shape and hair color. All of this is important to achieve the desired result (1).

  • Length: measured in millimeters, the most popular is 6-10 mm. Eyelashes from 14 mm are already super long, they give the effect of a “doll look”.

  • Thickness: Artificial eyelashes can be ultra-thin (0.03 mm in diameter), thin (0.07 mm) or thick (from 0.12 mm). The choice depends on the thickness of the natural hairs, which is determined by the master.

  • Curvature: eyelash extensions differ in the degree of curl and its shape. There are soft and rounded eyelashes, as well as more complex ones, combining an angle and rounding. Typical curls: B, C, D, CC, L, L+.

How to extend eyelashes: types, effects, techniques

Ulyana Vasilyeva, eyelash extension specialist SLOWMO Beauty & Cosmetology

  1. Cleaning and degreasing the skin surface. Eyelash extensions are applied strictly on cleansed skin and eyelashes. The specialist first removes all makeup (but it is better to come without makeup), additionally cleanses and degreases the eyelashes. For this, they use, for example, micellar water. Compositions with cleansing oils are not suitable, as they will leave a film on the surface, which will worsen adhesion.

  2. Separation of eyelashes. To prevent the upper and lower eyelashes from sticking together, they are separated. The separator looks about the same as a patch. The difference is that the pad is placed directly on the edge of the upper eyelid with the eyes closed.

  3. Eyelash extensions. This is the main stage: the master glues artificial hairs or bunches to natural eyelashes one by one using special tweezers. A special glue is used for gluing. It can be transparent, black or dark gray. Each artificial eyelash is first dipped in it and immediately transferred to the natural one. The composition of eyelash glues is approximately the same, but it is better if it is a hypoallergenic product.

  4. Applying the fixative. After all the eyelashes are glued, the technician checks the quality of the work and applies a fixer. This composition coats the gluing area, extending the life of the extended eyelashes.

  5. Combing eyelashes. To do this, use a microbrush or a silicone brush. The master carefully combs the hair, straightening it and giving it one direction.

  6. Completion of work. Once everything is ready, you can remove the patches and open your eyes.

How to extend eyelashes: types, effects, techniques

Alina Ivanova, lashmaker at the White Fox beauty center chain

Types of eyelash extensions

To prevent the edges of extended eyelashes from catching on the eyebrows, the distance from them along the entire length should be at least 2 mm.

To prevent the edges of extended eyelashes from catching on the eyebrows, the distance from them along the entire length should be at least 2 mm.

There are two basic extension techniques: eyelash-by-eyelash, when one hair is transferred at a time, and volumetric, when small bundles are glued on. Depending on the client’s request, the specialist uses different schemes that differ in the location of the hairs, their tilt, and the order of filling. The eyelashes can look straight, tilt slightly toward the edge of the eyelid, or combine both options.

Eyelash extensions, one by one

One synthetic hair is glued to each natural eyelash. Eyelash extension schemes vary, as does the length of the hairs used. For medium density, the master can apply up to 120 individual hairs to each eye.

Volumetric extensions with bundles

Small bundles of several hairs are attached to natural eyelashes. Depending on their number in the bundle, volume extensions are distinguished 2D, 3D, 4D. Up to ten artificial hairs can be attached to just one natural hair. The master can combine both techniques, highlighting the necessary accents with bunches.

How to extend eyelashes: types, effects, techniques

Ulyana Vasilyeva, eyelash extension specialist SLOWMO Beauty & Cosmetology

Eyelash extension effects

Wearing eyelash extensions does not cause discomfort, with the exception of beginners in the first days after the procedure.

Wearing eyelash extensions does not cause discomfort, with the exception of beginners in the first days after the procedure.

Extended eyelashes shape the look and create various effects – from the popular “fox”» look to a natural one. Each is selected individually, depending on the type of eyes, the condition of the natural eyelashes and the oval of the face.

Natural effect

Suitable for those who want to emphasize the beauty of their natural eyelashes. To do this, the master selects artificial eyelashes of similar length and thickness, and the extension scheme repeats the natural growth and tilt of the eyelashes. As a result, the look becomes more expressive, but without weighing it down. Another bonus is that you can refuse to use mascara every day. Any extension technique is suitable for creating a natural effect – eyelash by eyelash or in bunches.

For rounding and increasing


Excessively narrow eyes can be made more rounded by lifting the corners, says Ulyana Vasilyeva. This effect can be achieved both by eyelash extensions and by bunches. The length and thickness of the eyelash extensions are selected individually.

Important: on small eyes, too long and voluminous eyelashes will look bad, making them visually even smaller. The “slanted” technique, when each artificial eyelash is glued to the natural one at a slight angle, will help to open up and round out the look. (2).

Fox eyes


Fox eyes are a type of makeup in which the outer corners of the eyes are raised and pointed. As a result, the image is not only expressive, but also a little playful and cunning. The “fox eyes” effect in eyelash extensions is achieved by a smooth transition from small eyelashes in the inner corner to longer ones at the edges. Sometimes this transition is quite sharp and pronounced, it all depends on the client's preferences. Additionally, the “fox look” can be enhanced by choosing the appropriate curl of the eyelashes. Vasilyeva warns that the “fox effect” is not suitable for all eye types, in particular,…

About author

I pass by being that person liable to duty, but who cannot resist the flights of imagination. I have always loved the legends, the myths and the stories of the old and distant times with my whole being. In high school I fell in love with the history of art and I made it the object of my university studies. Once I graduated, I dusted off an old flame: that of children's literature. I rediscovered the beauty and importance of illustrated books and books, where, to a quality text, images are added that give strength and enrich what is narrated with meaning. It can be said that illustrators often make real works of art! It was then that I decided to follow this passion of mine both as a volunteer, entering the ranks of readers born to read, and in my work as a librarian. I am a greedy devoured of illustrated books (I have an absolute weakness for the stories that have bears or wolves as protagonists!), I love simple stories that know how to strike and surprise. I hate pigeon-holed books in a specific age group and readers in a certain category of readings. I think everyone is different and deserves to choose (and be chosen by the books) without constraints, in complete freedom! [email protected]