
It can destroy lives, and doctors still ignore it. A problem for several percent of women

It can destroy lives, and doctors still ignore it. A problem for several percent of women

If you have lipoedema, the universal advice: “eat less” will not help. Physical activity is still not enough. Unfortunately, doctors still trivialize this disease that significantly reduces the quality of life. For patients, it is often no consolation that “they are not fat at all, they are just sick”.

It can destroy lives, and doctors still ignore it. A problem for several percent of women

This is not a marginal phenomenon. Several percent of women struggle with leg swelling that does not go away with “proven methods”, social ostracism (“she got fat”), severe pain, and finally, difficulty moving.

Lipoedema is slowly becoming a social problem that is still not talked about enough.

Lipodemia – what kind of disease is it?

Lipoedema is a disease of adipose tissue, the cause of which is still not fully understood. It is believed to be genetically determined, related to hormonal disorders and irregularities in venous circulation.

Its most characteristic feature is fatty edema (lipoedema), affecting mainly the legs and sometimes the arms.

The condition, which affects only women, also affects the hips and its symptoms are often interpreted simply as obesity.

In case of advanced lipoedema, a slimming diet and intensive training bring an effect, but the other one than intended – you will lose weight in the area not affected by the disease, more exposing the “obese” legs.

These are real personal dramas. Patients often say that even the correct diagnosis does not bring them relief.

– What if I'm sick and not just fat? I won't jump into a bikini, I won't go to the beach at all – says one of the lipidemia sufferers, barely 30 years old (the disease usually develops right after puberty).

Lipedema vs. Lymphatic Edema – How to Tell the Difference

Lipoedema resembles advanced cellulite, such as grade III and IV. It does not only cause aesthetic and emotional discomfort.

Swollen limbs hurt, burn, tingle, become deformed, and make movement much more difficult.

Deformed limbs immediately bring to mind associations with “elephant legs”, typical of lymphedema, which accompanies disorders of the lymphatic system.

The basic difference is that lymphedema is most often not symmetrical, while fat edema affects both limbs to a similar extent.

In the case of lymphedema, when you press on the skin with your finger, a mark remains on its surface. In the case of lipedema, when you press on it, nothing happens.

Lipoedema – how to prevent fat edema

Lipedema is genetically determined. If women close to you are struggling with it, it is worth taking action that can slow down and at least partially stop the development of the problem.

An anti-diabetic diet and regular monitoring of blood glucose levels will certainly not hurt. Lipoedema often goes hand in hand with diabetes and requires diabetic treatment.

Pathological fat deposition also affects people with insulin resistance.

It is also worth having the condition of your venous system checked by a specialist phlebologist.

Dr. Robert Chmielewski, a surgeon and aesthetic medicine specialist who has been helping patients with lipoedema for years, suggests:

  • use drainage massages that improve the flow of tissue fluids,
  • wear appropriate compression clothing, i.e. leggings and special tights that perform a fascial micro-massage when walking, improving lymphatic flow under the skin,
  • follow an appropriate diet, preferably selected by a doctor or experienced clinical dietitian.

– No draconian diets or weight loss products will help here. They will only worsen the situation – warns Dr. Chmielewski.

Of course, nothing without sports. Swimming is the best. Running is also a good idea, but only if you massage your limbs right after training.

If you have a sedentary job and generally don't move enough, try to “work your legs” as often as possible – take breaks, squats, stand on your toes for a while – let your circulatory system work properly.

Lipoedemia – what does effective treatment look like?

There is no fully effective, permanent treatment. However, there are procedures that significantly and long-term improve the appearance and well-being of patients. They help even those whose changes are already very advanced.

The simplest procedure is pressotherapy (pneumatic trousers). It consists of sequential pumping of air in such a way as to push out the lymph that accumulates between fatty deposits. Cleansing the intercellular space allows to get rid of harmful metabolites and free radicals.

The way to treat lipoedema is undoubtedly liposuction, but this does not apply to every method. Water liposuction is indicated.