Eating less sugar could help many people lose weight. Coconut blossom sugar is a possible alternative for sweetening food and drinks. But does this really support weight loss or does it have the same effects as normal sugar?
High sugar consumption is a key factor in the increasing number of overweight and obese people worldwide. Here it could possibly help to replace the refined sugar with alternative sweeteners such as coconut blossom sugar.
What is coconut blossom sugar?
Coconut blossom sugar is made from the nectar of coconut palm blossoms. The nectar of the trees is laboriously collected, filtered, heated and concentrated until it finally crystallizes. After cooling, the crystals are then crushed, explain the experts at the South Tyrol consumer advice center.
How is coconut blossom sugar different from regular sugar?
Coconut blossom sugar is almost as sweet as regular table sugar. According to nutrition expert Silke Raffeiner from the South Tyrolean consumer center, coconut blossom sugar consists of around 70 to 90 percent sucrose and does not differ significantly from table sugar in terms of composition, calorie content or glycemic index.
One advantage of coconut blossom sugar is that it has more minerals than normal sugar. However, this is not important from a health point of view, since sugar is usually only used in small amounts for sweetening, adds Raffeiner.
The main ingredient in coconut blossom sugar is sucrose
The Federation of German Consumer Organizations also emphasizes that although alternative sweeteners are seen as a healthier alternative to traditional table sugar, coconut blossom sugar consists mainly of the same substance (sucrose) as table sugar.
The coconut blossom sugar has almost 400 kilocalories per 100 grams and, according to the experts, is almost as sweet and high in calories as normal household sugar. For weight loss, it makes little difference whether you replace normal sugar with coconut blossom sugar.
No healthier sugar alternative for diabetes
In addition, coconut blossom sugar has a similar effect on blood sugar levels as regular sugar, so it is not a healthier sugar alternative for people with diabetes.
Fuller longer thanks to coconut blossom sugar?
A possible advantage of coconut blossom sugar in relation to a desired weight loss remains that consumption is said to be associated with a longer feeling of satiety compared to normal household sugar. However, this effect has not yet been clearly proven.
Avoid sugar to lose weight
Overall, it can be said that it makes more sense for weight loss to sweeten food and drinks as little as possible instead of hoping to achieve your dream weight with the help of sugar alternatives such as coconut blossom sugar. (as)