Health and Fitness

Mutuelles 2024: why the bill will be steep

Mutuelles 2024: why the bill will be steep

The start of the year is often the occasion for an increase in our bills, in general. This year, mutual insurance companies will be no exception: they are planning a significant increase in their prices.

As is often the case at the start of the year, the planned price increases are implemented and have a considerable impact on the amounts of the bills to be paid. This year, one sector will be no exception to the rule: mutual insurance companies, which are planning, for several reasons, an average increase of 8% in their prices.

An increase driven by different reasons

The mutual sector explains this increase in its prices for different reasons. The first concerns the transfer of charges decided by Health Insurance.

Indeed, to save 500 million euros per year, reimbursement for dental care will drop from 70% to 60% since October 1, based on convention rates. To compensate for this dereimbursement, mutual societies are therefore increasing their prices, estimated at half a billion euros by the Mutualité Française.

Inflation affects all sectors, including mutual insurance companies

Added to this first reason is inflation, which has affected all sectors and therefore does not spare mutual societies. By having rising operating costs, they choose to pass this increase on to prices.

Finally, healthcare expenses are also increasing overall, by 2.4% on average over the last twelve months, an additional argument explaining these increases.

To limit them, some mutuals offer contribution blocks for certain contracts or specific measures, but which only concern the most precarious.

What can be done to minimize the impact of this increase?

To avoid paying an astronomical sum for your mutual insurance, it is always possible to use the competition. To do this, use a health insurance comparator to get an idea of ​​the prices, depending on the guarantees you need.

In addition, since December 2020, it is possible to cancel your mutual insurance at any time after one year of subscription. So take advantage of this to change it, if you find, with equivalent guarantees, cheaper elsewhere.