Natural remedies

Nature, a remedy to reduce inflammation

Nature, a remedy to reduce inflammation

We already knew that spending time in nature could boost creativity or reduce anxiety. A new American study now claims that these moments in green spaces could reduce inflammation, especially if they are actually enjoyed.

Numerous studies have shown the benefits of contact with nature and green spaces on physical and mental health. A new study, carried out by the department of psychology at Cornell University in the United States, highlights a new advantage: frequent contact with nature is associated with lower levels of systemic inflammation.

To reach this conclusion, Professor Anthony D. Ong's team analyzed data from 1,244 participants. The latter were questioned about the frequency of their exposure to nature, but also about the quality of their contact with green spaces. “It's not just about how often people spend time outdoors, but also the quality of their experiences” Professor Ong said in a statement.

The results showed that people who reported more frequent pleasant encounters with nature had lower levels of inflammation. Specifically, participants were tested on three biomarkers, interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein (CRP), and fibrinogen. High levels of these proteins indicate the presence of systemic inflammation. “By focusing on these markers of inflammation, the study provides a biological explanation for why nature can improve health“, said Professor Ong, “particularly showing how it can prevent or manage diseases linked to chronic inflammation, such as heart disease and diabetes.”

Even when accounting for other variables such as demographics, health behaviors, medications and general well-being, Ong's team found that reduced levels of inflammation were consistently associated with to more frequent positive contacts with nature“, say the researchers.”It's a sort of link between exposure and experience: It's only when you have both, when you engage and enjoy it, that you notice these advantages“, specifies Professor Ong.

These findings lay the foundation for future research exploring the complex interplay between emotions, health, and the natural environment. Integrating regular contact with nature into everyday experience could be a powerful way to promote public health and foster resilience in the face of the myriad challenges of modern life“, conclude the researchers in their study.