
Nearly a quarter of Parisians are “velotafeurs”

Nearly a quarter of Parisians are “velotafeurs”

Around a quarter of Parisians cycle to work. Paris is one of the ten most “cycling” cities in the world, behind London, Rome and Sydney. Vélotaf would allow Parisians to feel more productive and concentrated at work, while allowing them to act for the environment.

Vélotaf is this activity which consists of favoring the bicycle over the car or public transport to get to work. According to a study by the operator Lime*, Paris is the seventh most “Cycling” city in the world.

In the capital, two thirds (68%) of bicycle journeys are made to go from home to work, and vice versa. 23% of people surveyed in Paris say they go to work by bike, which is just a little below the global average of 25% observed by Lime. It is in London that cycle commuters are most numerous (35%), ahead of Rome and Sydney (28%).

Acting on the environment, the number one reason for commuters

By going to work by bike, Parisians mainly feel like they are taking action on the environment (93%) and even say they feel the positive effects on their city (91%) and on traffic (84%). Three-quarters see the bicycle as a more accessible means of transport which also facilitates access to work (62%).

For many, cycling is also a good way to reduce stress and help improve their overall mood at work. 45% of Parisian commuters feel more productive at the office and as many have the impression of being more concentrated.

Note that in Paris, the cycle commuter is mainly a man (64%), aged on average 32 years old and who comes from the 1st arrondissement.

*This global study was carried out by Lime in September 2023, on a sample of 8,807 people.

About author

Maria Teolis is a psychologist. Collaborator at the Elpis Center of Ispra (Varese) multidisciplinary study specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders (behavioral disorders, learning, etc.), psychotherapy for children and adults, psychomotor, pedagogical, speech therapy, educational and osteopathic treatment, where she deals with training activities and strengthening specific skills and is involved in different types of projects aimed at children and adolescents. It collaborates with a cooperative offering educational and support services to children and young people with behavioral problems, learning or problems of different nature related to the evolutionary sphere. Attentive to the aspects of psycho-motor development, she carries out activities with children aimed at strengthening and increasing motor, emotional and relational skills. She currently attends a master in Sports Psychology. [email protected]