Stomach pain, which includes heartburn, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, can often be effectively treated with the help of some tried and tested home remedies. The general practitioner Dr. explains what these are. Matthew Goldman from the Cleveland Clinic (USA).
There are various foods that can cause stomach problems or make them worse, says Dr. Goldman. It is therefore advisable to initially avoid certain foods if you have problems with stomach pain.
Foods that aggravate stomach problems
The expert advises avoiding hot or spicy foods such as pizza, onions and salsa. This also applies to fatty foods such as fried chicken, sausage and bacon. It is also advisable to avoid acidic foods such as coffee, orange juice, tomato juice and alcohol. And sweet lemonade and sports drinks should also be avoided.
“These foods not only cause flatulence, but can also increase nausea, bloating, vomiting and/or diarrhea,” explains the expert in a press release.
Ginger for stomach pain
However, there are also spices, foods and drinks that, according to Dr. Goldman can reduce stomach problems. Ginger has been proven to relieve nausea and vomiting and counteract stomach ulcers. At the same time it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-tumor effects.
Ginger can easily be included in your diet. For example, fresh, dried or powdered ginger can be added to various dishes. Additionally, ginger tea and pickled ginger are popular options.
However, anyone thinking about simply drinking more ginger ale to increase their ginger intake should be aware that many commercial brands do not contain significant amounts of real ginger, and in some cases none at all, explains the doctor.
These foods can help
If you have stomach problems, Dr. Goldman to consume low-fat, bland and slightly salty foods. You should make sure that you eat small portions throughout the day.
According to the expert, there is evidence that foods such as saltine crackers absorb some of the irritating acid in the empty stomach. They also prevent Dr. Goldman says that acid is released in the stomach, they cause less nausea and the salt they contain helps replace lost electrolytes.
Foods for an upset stomach
There are also various other foods that, when consumed in small portions, can help relieve an upset stomach. The expert cites bananas, applesauce, yogurt, clear soup, cooked starchy foods such as potatoes, pasta and rice as well as wheat toast and oats as examples.
While eating certain foods can provide relief from stomach problems, it’s important to remember that these approaches are intended as temporary solutions, adds Dr. Goldman added. Eating such a restricted diet for a long period of time can lead to nutrient deficiencies.
Drink enough fluids
Fluid is important for stomach problems, especially when fluid lost through vomiting and diarrhea needs to be replaced. According to the expert, clear liquids in small quantities are particularly suitable for this.
“A straw can often help you drink just the right amount. Drink lots of sips throughout the day,” advises Dr. Goldman. Carbon dioxide is not a problem unless you suffer from flatulence. If that’s the case, you should cut out carbonated drinks altogether, says the expert.
Electrolyte solutions instead of sports drinks
Instead of drinking sports drinks, according to Dr. Goldman prefers to consume oral electrolyte solutions. The electrolyte concentration of such products is more in line with what the body needs. This includes, for example, potassium and magnesium.
In addition, sports drinks usually contain higher amounts of sugar, which can promote an increase in unhealthy intestinal bacteria, according to the doctor.
How long do stomach problems last?
The body needs a few days to recover from stomach problems. The duration of recovery depends largely on the cause and severity of the symptoms.
“Mild stomach pain caused by a poor diet or a temporary gastrointestinal upset often disappears within a few hours to a day,” explains the doctor.
However, if stomach pain lasts longer, is extremely severe or is accompanied by worrying symptoms, according to Dr. Goldman urgently needs a medical examination. This is the only way to make a correct diagnosis and initiate subsequent recovery.
Seek medical attention
According to the doctor, you should definitely seek medical help if you vomit repeatedly, there is blood in the vomit, your appetite does not return, there is a significant loss of weight, there is difficulty swallowing or changes in your bowel movements.
“Stomach pain should never be dismissed lightly. They can be a sign of various underlying medical conditions, ranging from minor ailments to more serious problems,” he said.
Stomach problems can also indicate illnesses such as appendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome, gallstones, kidney stones, stomach ulcers, heart attacks and pneumonia. If in doubt, a prompt medical examination is always advisable. (as)