In southern Central Europe there is currently an urgent warning about a counterfeit diabetes medicine. The counterfeits of the drug could possibly be in circulation nationwide. The counterfeit product poses a possible significant health risk.
In a statement, the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) points out an urgent warning from the Freiburg regional council, which warns against counterfeits of the drug Ozempic® from the original manufacturer Novo Nordisk A/S in German packaging. It cannot be ruled out that the counterfeit is being sold throughout Central Europe.
Possible significant health hazard
The Freiburg regional council points out in a letter that the counterfeits are very likely to pose significant health risks.
Therefore, the counterfeits must under no circumstances be used and must be taken to a pharmacy immediately. However, the original preparations from the manufacturer Novo Nordisk pose no health risk.
As stated in a press release from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration, the counterfeit is easy to recognize visually. Two photos of the original and the counterfeit are shown in this notice.
Medicines used to treat diabetes
According to the information, Ozempic is a prescription medicine used to treat poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults as an adjunct to diet and physical activity.
Investigations not yet completed
As the BfArM writes, the investigations into this case have not yet been completed. The institute is in close contact with the state authorities responsible for monitoring the traffic in pharmaceuticals in Central Europe and the authorities abroad. As soon as further information is available, the BfArM will inform you immediately. (ad)