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What is sarcasm and how to learn to recognize it

What is sarcasm and how to learn to recognize it

In most cases, sarcasm is an offensive statement, bordering on rudeness. People resort to it for various reasons: to hurt the interlocutor, to protect themselves, and even to get closer when it is appropriate. Recognizing sarcasm is not always easy, as it can disguise itself as irony or even humor. Moreover, some people have difficulty interpreting sarcasm in principle due to their individual characteristics.

  • What is this
  • Difference from irony
  • How to recognize
  • How to answer
  • How not to offend

The material was commented on by:

Tatyana Baranova, business communication expert;

Olga Doronina, clinical psychologist, specialist of the psychological platform Alter.

What is sarcasm

Still from the film “Ghost World”

Sarcasm is a type of judgment, spoken or written, that implies a statement that is the opposite of the literal meaning with a mocking, caustic, or rude subtext. (1). It is used in everyday conversation and in certain artistic genres, such as satire. Sarcasm is usually used to express a bad attitude towards the interlocutor, critic, or to defend oneself.

In most cases, sarcasm is an unpleasant word that may not contain a direct accusation or insult, like the curse words “fool” or “stupid”. Moreover, a sarcastic statement may contain a seemingly positive message, but its overall meaning will still be read in a negative way. An example of a sarcastic phrase: “Of course, I would like to do this project with you, but then we will definitely fail.”

The formula of sarcasm or its structure is quite complex. It is a complex of verbal and non-verbal messages, the analysis of which requires certain cognitive efforts. What does sarcasm consist of:

  • direct meaning of words;
  • general context of the situation;
  • relationships between interlocutors;
  • intonation coloring;
  • non-verbal signs (smirking, squinting);
  • an experience or a specific event, perhaps in the past, that gives rise to a sarcastic assessment.

Sarcasm is used in different situations. It can be a conversation between two old friends, colleagues at work, or even a dialogue with a complete stranger. In each individual case, its appropriateness is individual. In some cases, sarcasm can be considered an insult, in others – a witty joke and a reason to laugh together.

What is sarcasm used for?

Still from the film "Meet the Fockers"

Still from the film “Meet the Fockers”

Sarcasm is one of the ways of communication. But depending on the situation, it will have different goals. They are determined by the speaker's intentions. Why is sarcasm used? Here is an example of three situations:

  1. To offend and hurt the interlocutor. Sarcasm can be a speech reaction in the format of veiled aggression, as Tatyana Baranova, an expert in business communications, gives as an example. “Formally, such a technique does not violate external communication norms. However, the subtext can be quite offensive to the counterparty,” the expert explains.

An example of sarcasm in the form of an insult: “Sometimes I need what only you can give: your absence.” (2).

  1. Protection and definition of boundaries. In this case, the very fact of an aggressive and offensive statement will be an attempt to defend, not an attack. This applies to situations when uncomfortable or inappropriate questions are asked that violate personal boundaries. “It is curious that in a tough business environment, such an attack can be appreciated if it allowed the interlocutor to cool down or even reduced the brewing conflict to a joke, gave the opportunity to show oneself as an ironic person who can quickly and wittily react in an ambiguous situation,” notes expert Baranova.

An example of sarcasm when defending boundaries: “Of course you have a right to your opinion, but now you are abusing it.”

  1. For rapprochement and as a joke. Surprisingly, sometimes sarcasm can be a way to get closer or even a feature of the cultural code (3). “There are teams or even entire companies where part of the corporate spirit is a constant competition, a rivalry for the right to be considered the most original, quick and witty in speech battles. Among such employees, jokes, jibes, caustic remarks can often be practiced – you must always be on the alert to quickly give a worthy response to the interlocutor. But such practices of a specific company are not at all necessary and even highly undesirable to transfer to the “outside world” and communicate in the same spirit with business partners or clients,” the expert notes.

An example of sarcasm for rapprochement (for example, in a friendly company of men): “I was unlucky with both wives. The first one left me, but the second one didn't.” (2).

Types of sarcasm

There are two main types of sarcasm: oral and written. The first type is verbal. The causticity or stinging is emphasized by intonation, special placement of pauses or additional signals, such as eyebrow movements, hand positions, etc.

In written speech, sarcasm is a form of artistic expression. It is often found in literature and journalism. It is characterized by hyperboles or contrasting comparisons. It is more difficult to read sarcasm in writing, since there are practically no auxiliary signals for this. The higher the skill of the author, the more expressive the sarcasm will be.

What is sarcasm and how to learn to recognize it

What is the difference between sarcasm and irony

Still from the film “Meet the Fockers”

Still from the film “Meet the Fockers”

Irony is a type of veiled statement that is based on the contradiction between the direct meaning of words and their interpretation. (4) It is also a tool for identifying a problem or expressing a life position.

Irony and sarcasm are very close in form and content, as they are built on a hidden meaning. Some researchers tend to define sarcasm as a subspecies of irony or its highest point. At the same time, there is a fundamental difference between them, namely, in the object of evaluation. If irony is directed at a situation or a combination of circumstances, then sarcasm is always directed at the sphere of a person or a specific person. (5).

Examples of sarcasm: how to recognize

Still from the film “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”

Recognizing and perceiving sarcasm is a complex process that requires a variety of cognitive abilities, says Olga Doronina, a clinical psychologist and specialist at the psychological platform Alter. These include attention, memory, speech, and imagination. It is also important to be able to sense the mood of the interlocutor and understand non-verbal communication.

From a physiological point of view, a person recognizes sarcasm with the brain. Moreover, there is still no clear answer as to how exactly it does this. Even in the early 2000s, many scientists were inclined to believe that the left hemisphere, which controls speech in terms of understanding individual words and sentences, is mainly involved in the perception of sarcasm, says Olga Doronina. But more and more studies indicate that the right hemisphere, which is responsible for figurative and abstract thinking, is also involved in the interpretation of humor, jokes, sarcasm and irony.

Individual characteristics also influence the recognition of sarcasm. There are people who have difficulty understanding it or are unable to do so at all. For example, children. Doronina explains that they learn this gradually. First, a child must master the skill of understanding the figurative meaning of words and recognizing other people's emotions. “To some extent, some children are able to do this as early as four years old. By the age of six, a child can usually detect changes in the literal meaning of words. At eight to nine years old, children are already able to understand light sarcasm,” the expert says.

About author

Giovanna Pirri (Nutritional Biologist) Graduated in Biological Sciences with a thesis on the nutritional approach in the diabetic patient, she graduated with full marks in Health Biology at the University of Padua in 2008 . In 2011 she passed the State Exam and qualified for the profession of Nutritional Biologist . She obtained the Master in Human Nutrition in Milan, and remains constantly updated through characterizing courses on the universe of food. [email protected]