Natural remedies

Wim Hof ​​Method: how to do it, what are the benefits?

Wim Hof ​​Method: how to do it, what are the benefits?

The Wim Hof ​​Method is an eponymous technique that invites you to expose yourself to cold or cold water. The health benefits are numerous, both physically and mentally. Discover everything about this method that improves resistance to cold, strengthens the immune system and develops the mind.

Definition: What is the Wim Hof ​​Method or Wimhofmethod?

Where does Iceman live?

Wim Hof ​​is a man of origin Dutch who often walks around bare-chested in the ice and snow“, explains Sophie Pihan, naturopath and member of the French Federation of Naturopathy (FENA). This is why this man bears the nickname ofice man or Iceman. Ces cold exposure gave rise to an eponymous method: the Wim Hof ​​method.

Wim Hof, a man with multiple records who attempted Everest

Iceman dives into ice water baths and thus increases its resistance to cold. But the Wim Hof method is not limited to exposure to polar temperatures: it is combined with breathing techniques and meditation, allowing you to work on a “state of mind” linked to exposure to the cold. Iceman has broken several records for body exposure to the cold but also for apnea in a polar environment. He is a high-level athlete: he practices running and mountaineering. In 2007, Wim Hof ​​undertook the ascent of Everest with minimal equipment, but he had to change his mind due to pain in his left foot caused by the cold.

A three-pillar technique

The The Wim Hof ​​method is based on three pillars :

  • The respiration ;
  • The mental strength ;
  • L’exposure to cold.

In Europe, it seems difficult to take a bath in frozen water in a mountain. However, the method has been adapted, for each person who wishes to enjoy the benefits of the cold.

How to do the Wim Hof ​​method in Europe?

The method can be practiced alone or with an application. It can also be practiced during workshops organized by certified instructors.

How to practice the Wim Hof ​​method alone?

The first step of the Wim Hof ​​Method is the respiration. “It is a particular breathing technique that increases the respiratory rate and in particular the frequency of inspiration.“, Sophie Pihan reveals to us. This breathing technique promotes blood oxygenation and increases the body's resistance to the cold. Be careful, this breathing should be practiced in a supervised manner, at least the first few times. It should be practiced in short bursts, because your head can spin. You breathe in a rhythmic manner, then at the end, you hold your breath for as long as possible. This is a technique based on the foundation of tummo breathing, of Tibetan origin.

The mental strength is extremely important in the Wim Hof ​​method.”It takes a good mindset and concentration. The idea is to be able to expose yourself to the cold in full awareness, in the moment. In this way, you increase your ability to concentrate and connect to the body.”.

Finally, the third step is theexposure to cold. “The first two pillars prepare us for exposure to cold, which is the last step. It is essential: it puts us in a conqueror's mindset and gives us a lot of energy. You can take a cold water bath at home, at home, for 2 to 3 minutes depending on your tolerance. Know that even a 30-second dip is already enough to enjoy some benefits. You can also alternate, going in and out to improve blood circulation.”

If you don't have a bathtub, you can take a cold shower, avoiding exposing your head.Some gyms are now equipped with cold baths and this practice is increasingly popular with athletes.“, adds our expert.

How to breathe under cold water?

“We must practice breathing before going into cold water to help us endure the cold, while we are in the cool bath.”

Applications Wim Hof

It's good to have some guidance, especially the first few times. There are apps that can help you get started. Wim Hof ​​methodbut also free videos on the internet.

Workshops are also organized throughout Europe and around the world to familiarize you with this method in complete safety.

What are the benefits of the Wim Hof ​​breathing method?

“Exposure to cold gives a physical well-being through hormonal balance that it allows: it stimulates the production and circulation of hormones in the body. The Wim Hof ​​method promotes the blood and lymphatic circulation and can thus contribute to the reduction of feeling of heavy legs.”

It has an impact on mood and can help combat mild symptoms of depression.

Cold has beneficial effects on energyprovided you have some at the base. We don't take a cold bath when we are sick for example, or even during a burnout.

Exposure to cold increases resistance to cold and this stimulates the immune system. To face the winter, the Wim Hof ​​method therefore seems to be the ideal solution.

Cold speeds up the metabolism and promotes the elimination of fat. As a bonus, it improves the quality of the skin by fighting cellulite andorange peel appearance.

In the field of research, its anti-inflammatory effects are currently being evaluated in a scientific study.

Finally, as Sophie Pihan points out, “THE mental health benefits are much the same as those related to mindfulness practices”. Its benefits include improved resistance to stress, better mental and physical well-being, and a greater sense of kindness towards oneself, etc.

Training: how to become an instructor or do an internship?

It is possible to follow training to become an instructor approved by Wim Hof ​​through introductory courses or group courses.It is better to practice this method in a supervised manner; I advise you to get in touch with the Wim Hof ​​team. A brand has in fact been developed, “Wimhofmethod”. It is possible to become an instructor anywhere in the world and this team lists all the instructors, everywhere in the world as well..”

Contraindications to the Wim Hof ​​Method

There are Contraindications to the Wim Hof ​​Method :

  • Epilepsy;
  • Heart problems ;
  • Varices ;
  • Burn-out ;
  • Extreme fatigue;
  • Painful periods ;
  • Pregnancy.