Health and Fitness

​​Vaccination schedule: what should be done (and when) this fall? Update with Dr Gérald Kierzek

​​Vaccination schedule: what should be done (and when) this fall?  Update with Dr Gérald Kierzek

Each year, the vaccination schedule is updated in the spring. But the recovery and the fall are also a good time to think about vaccination and the appointments to anticipate. What’s new this fall? Quick recap with Dr. Gérald Kierzek, medical director of TipsForWomens.

Vaccination of the youngest

Since January 1, 2018, 11 vaccinations are compulsory and condition entry into the community for children born from January 1, 2018. These are vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, whooping cough, Haemophilus influenzae b, hepatitis B, meningococcus C, pneumococcus, measles, mumps and rubella.

  • In practice, the extension to 11 compulsory vaccines represents 10 injections for children, spread over 2 years. (Find the precise vaccination schedule on our dedicated page)
  • At 6 years old, the child must also receive the 2nd DTP booster (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Poliomyelitis) and Whooping Cough
  • In adolescents, the vaccine against DTP, Pertussis and Papillomavirus, which is not obligatory for girls and boys, should be provided between the ages of 11 and 13.

Also know : Since April 2023, vaccination against rotavirus (gastroenteritis) is now recommended for all infants aged 6 weeks to 6 months, according to a two-dose schedule for the Rotarix® vaccine (2 and 3 months) and three doses for the RotaTeq® vaccine (2,3 and 4 months).

Adult vaccination

A recommendation for DTP vaccination (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Poliomyelitis) is also made at fixed ages: 25, 45 and 65 years old then at 75 years old, 85 years old, etc. (every 10 years) taking into account the aging of the immune system (immunosenescence).

Changes to know this fall

Finally there are the little new features for the fall, continuing what we already knew, but which adapt to the health context.

  • The vaccination campaign against Covid 19 and of influenza will take place from October 17. “With a more reasonable recommendation” “Dr. Gérald Kierzek intervenes”This will primarily concern people most at risk, those over 65, obese people, or those suffering from chronic illnesses, with possible co-vaccination with the flu on the same day. In this case, it will be two vaccines on the same day: one in each arm” underlines the doctor;
  • The flu vaccine is also extended this year to ages 2 to 17 without comorbidity. The High Authority of Health recommends preferential use of the vaccine administered intranasally Fluenz Tetra®, taking into account the better acceptability of this vaccine in children due to the non-use of needles;
  • The vaccine against papillomavirus, is not new to the vaccination schedule. But communication around this vaccine and its accessibility will be increased this fall due to the proposal to be able to vaccinate 5th grade students directly at college;
  • Finally, vaccination is also recommended against dengue to people residing in overseas departments and regions, particularly French territories close to the American continent. “This is not recommended for the general population, nor for travelers, but for people who live in these territories and who have already been previously contaminated” concluded Dr. Kierzek.

Who can vaccinate you?

Doctors can prescribe and administer vaccines. But since August 2023, the administration skills of healthcare professionals have been expanded for the vaccines in the vaccination schedule: