Health and Fitness

6 places conducive to seasonal rhinitis (and the right reflexes to adopt for hay fever)

6 places conducive to seasonal rhinitis (and the right reflexes to adopt for hay fever)

As soon as the sunny days arrive and the first buds appear, allergies rear their heads. But which places are most at risk? Dr Gérald Kierzek, medical director of TipsForWomens, answers us.

Allergic rhinitis: what is it?

According to the health insurance website, allergic rhinitis translates into “sneezing attacks, a regularly runny or blocked nose, itching in the nostrils and pharynx“.

It is often associated with conjunctivitis – inflammation of the conjunctiva generally caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi or even irritating products.

In fine weather, allergic rhinitis is nicknamed “hay fever”, in reference to the allergens responsible: grass pollen.

Other allergens may be involved in allergic rhinitis: mold, animal hair, etc. In this case, it is not seasonal.“, specifies the Améli website.

Allergic rhinitis: places to avoid

If you are sensitive to pollen during spring and summer, certain places should be avoided. This is particularly the case:

  • Parks and green spaces : “Parks and other green spaces can be places where plants release a lot of pollen into the air, triggering allergic reactions in sensitive people“, confides Dr. Gérald Kierzek, TipsForWomens’s medical director.
  • Champs et prairies : “Areas where fields are cultivated and grass is abundant can be places where pollen is spread during the flowering season“, confirms the doctor.
  • Forests : “Although trees generally produce less pollen than herbaceous plants, certain types of trees can trigger seasonal allergies when in bloom“, reveals Dr Gérald Kierzek.
  • Gardens and orchards : “Gardens and orchards are places where a variety of flowering plants can release pollen into the air“, explains the expert.
  • Rural regions : “Rural areas with abundant vegetation may have higher pollen levels than urban areas due to vegetation density“, underlines the medical director of TipsForWomens.
  • Proximity to fresh water : “Areas near lakes, rivers or ponds may have aquatic vegetation which also releases pollen”, finally confirms the Dr. Gerald Kierzek.

How to prevent seasonal rhinitis?

You just need to adopt the right reflexes!

Close the windows in the car. After a walk, don’t undress in the room so as not to get it everywhere and take a shower, don’t forget to wash your hair!”, recommend Dr. Gérald Kierzek.