Health and Fitness

8 things to prepare before going to your doctor for an effective and stress-free consultation

8 things to prepare before going to your doctor for an effective and stress-free consultation

It is sometimes difficult to ask your doctor the right questions. And yet: by implementing a few simple habits, it is possible to get the most out of a medical consultation. Explanations from Dr Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of TipsForWomens.

Do you ever leave the doctor’s office with the feeling of not having thought to say everything or of not having had enough information? Good news: it is possible to optimize your consultation by preparing it in advance. You will thus be in a better position to discuss with him and you will provide him with all the necessary information to help him in his analysis. All details from Dr Gérald Kierzek.

Bring back your medical records

It is not a question here of bringing back the medical file which traces your entire childhood but rather of preparing a summary of your latest radiological and biological examinations. The last prescription is also important, just like the vital card and the mutual insurance.“, explained Dr. Gérald Kierzek.

Arrive a little early

This advice may seem obvious, but arriving at your doctor’s office on the right day, at the right time – or even a little early – is very valuable.“, confides the doctor.

Wash before the consultation

This recommendation seems simple, but few patients clean themselves from head to toe before going to their doctor… Even though every part of the body can potentially be examined.”recalls Dr. Kierzek.

Be accompanied by a trusted person

In certain cases (extreme fatigue, illness, etc.), taking a companion can be very useful.“, says our expert.

Write down the questions you want to ask

Make a list of your concerns and questions in order of priority,” recommends the emergency doctor.

Take your child’s health record

If you come to the office with your child; Bringing your health record is essential. It contains all his medical information, from his first days of life to his 18th birthday.“, confides Dr. Kierzek.

Bring your international vaccination record

It can be useful for monitoring the different vaccines carried out: fyellow fever, typhoid, meningitis…” notes Dr. Kierzek.

Be accompanied by a translator

If there is a language barrier, being accompanied by a translator can prove valuable“, concludes the medical director of TipsForWomens.