Diets and NutritionHealth and Fitness

DNA diets and training with robots: what the future holds for the wellness industry

DNA diets and training with robots: what the future holds for the wellness industry

The rapid development of artificial intelligence and a number of other technical breakthroughs and discoveries in the field of health could not but affect the wellness industry. Many advanced technologies in different fields – artificial intelligence, DNA analysis, microbiome studies – have been developing in parallel for a long time. In the future, information technology and biotechnology will increasingly interact to create breakthrough products. Scientists and developers continue to look for ways to make them available to everyone, and doctors and researchers are looking for confirmation of the effectiveness and safety of new solutions. Here are several important vectors of work in this area.

Personalized diet based on DNA analysis

We all have different preferences, family histories, allergies and intolerances. Therefore, there are no ideal nutrition systems that suit everyone. The future of healthy nutrition, including for weight normalization, lies in personalized diets based on DNA analysis. Such diets take into account the unique characteristics of each person and, unlike traditional universal ones, personalized diets are aimed at meeting the specific needs of the body. Thus, the main thing is not weight control, but maintaining health and preventing the development of various diseases.

Already today, genetic testing can identify variations in DNA associated with metabolism, sensitivity to certain foods and susceptibility to various diseases. For example, research has shown that genes can influence how the body metabolizes fats and carbohydrates, allowing us to design a diet that minimizes the risk of obesity and diabetes.

Personalized nutrition also includes analysis of the microbiome, the collection of microorganisms that live in the intestines. The composition of the microbiome can significantly influence overall health, including immunity and even mental well-being. Therefore, developing a diet that optimally supports a healthy microbiome becomes an important element of a personalized approach to nutrition.

In addition, nutritional supplements, selected taking into account genetic data and microbiome analysis, are an important part of personalized nutrition. These supplements can fill vitamin and mineral deficiencies that cannot always be compensated for by dietary changes alone.

Today, scientists are optimistic about personalized diets. However, this approach requires further research and confirmation of long-term effectiveness.

Sources of information: 1, 2, 3

Deep meditation in virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) is becoming increasingly popular in seemingly traditional practices such as meditation and stress reduction. Its effectiveness is higher than that of conventional voice meditation, and this fact is fueling interest in the technology and attracting new investment in this area. VR headsets, such as glasses and headphones, allow you to create a completely immersive environment that helps you achieve a state of deep relaxation or concentration. With the help of VR meditation, you can find yourself on the ocean shore, in the forest, or even in space, which significantly enhances the effect of presence and helps you disconnect from everyday worries.

One of the main advantages of using VR in meditation is the ability to create optimal conditions for practice, regardless of external factors. In real life, noise, clutter, and distractions can make it difficult to achieve the desired level of concentration. Virtual reality allows you to completely isolate yourself from the outside world and focus on your inner state, which is especially important for residents of large cities, where finding a quiet and secluded place can be problematic.

Photo: freepik

VR technologies also offer a variety of programs and applications designed with various meditation techniques in mind. For example, Guided Meditation VR or Relax VR.

Users can choose a practice that suits their personal preferences and goals, from simple breathing exercises to more advanced forms of meditation such as yoga nidra or mantra meditation. Some apps include voice guidance and music to help beginners learn the basics of meditation more easily and go deeper into the process.

Scientific research confirms the effectiveness of VR meditation in reducing stress levels and improving overall psycho-emotional state. Regular use of VR for meditation can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol, improve sleep quality and increase overall life satisfaction. In addition to this, VR meditation can be beneficial for people with disabilities who find it difficult to attend traditional meditation classes.

Despite all the advantages, it is worth noting that VR meditation is not a panacea; it does not completely replace traditional methods of therapy. However, it can be a great addition to existing practices, providing new opportunities for improving mental health.

Sources of information: 1, 2, 3

Gut Health: Focus on the Microbiome

Gut health is becoming a central topic in the future of the health industry as more research confirms the importance of the microbiome to overall wellness. The microbiome, made up of trillions of microorganisms, plays a key role in processes such as digestion, immune defense and even mood regulation. As a result, attention to the microbiome and probiotics is rapidly growing, opening up new opportunities for improving health.

One of the key aspects of intestinal function is maintaining microflora balance. Dysbiosis, or microbiome imbalance, can lead to a variety of problems, including inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and even depression.

Probiotics are live microorganisms, usually bacteria or yeast, that have a positive effect on the health of the body. They help maintain and restore beneficial bacteria in the gut, improving digestion, strengthening the immune system and promoting well-being. Probiotics can be obtained in three forms:

  • Food products: yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, kimchi, kombucha.
  • Nutritional supplements: capsules, tablets, powders or liquids containing live probiotic cultures.
  • Functional Products: Probiotic-fortified foods (some juices and snacks).

Sauerkraut, kombucha and kefir (even American Vogue wrote about its benefits) have been popular in the wellness industry for decades. But nutritionists still have a wary attitude towards food additives and functional products: they need additional research, because different researchers have different opinions about their effectiveness. Those who are positive believe that probiotics in this form help maintain and restore beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which improves digestion and strengthens the immune system.

In terms of new technologies, companies are now beginning to offer personalized probiotic supplements based on the same DNA analysis and human microbiome. These supplements are formulated to suit individual needs, making them more effective. In addition to probiotics, prebiotics are gaining popularity.

Prebiotics are a type of dietary fiber that feed beneficial bacteria in the gut, promoting their growth and activity. They can be obtained in two ways:

  • From food products: garlic, onions, bananas, asparagus, oatmeal, Jerusalem artichoke.
  • From dietary supplements: powders and capsules containing inulin, oligofructose and other prebiotic fibers.

The development of food supplements with prebiotics is also one of the innovative areas of the wellness industry. In addition to preventing and treating diseases, prebiotics can be tasked with rejuvenating our body and fighting depression….

About author

Giovanna Pirri (Nutritional Biologist) Graduated in Biological Sciences with a thesis on the nutritional approach in the diabetic patient, she graduated with full marks in Health Biology at the University of Padua in 2008 . In 2011 she passed the State Exam and qualified for the profession of Nutritional Biologist . She obtained the Master in Human Nutrition in Milan, and remains constantly updated through characterizing courses on the universe of food. [email protected]