Health and Fitness

A teenager urinates black and ends up in the emergency room, because of his electronic cigarette

A teenager urinates black and ends up in the emergency room, because of his electronic cigarette

A 15-year-old American teenager saw his urine turn black after excessive use of his e-cigarette. Having other symptoms, the young man ended up in the emergency room. Explanations.

Vaping may be more dangerous than we think. Young Jake Melton, a teenager from Arkansas, in the United States, paid the price. He vaped so much that his urine turned black.

The teenager was immediately taken to the emergency room

Upon noticing this strange phenomenon, the young boy was immediately taken to the hospital. That day, on his way to class, Jake also felt dizzy, had severe nausea and felt unwell.

The teenager, completely disoriented, was immediately taken to hospital where he remained unconscious for 30 hours. Once there, after carrying out tests and questioning him, the doctors concluded that the young man was seriously dehydrated and that his kidneys were likely to suffer from the situation.

Nicotine can cause dehydration

Jake Melton got into the habit, two or three years ago according to his statements, of vaping with his friends. But what was a simple habit has turned into an addiction. In fact, the young man became addicted to nicotine, which is very addictive.

This substance is also responsible for its dehydration. A phenomenon that other substances, such as propylene glycol also present in e-cigarettes, can accentuate.

He smoked five electronic cigarettes a day

In the newspaper The SunJake Melton's mother explains that she “was unaware that her son smoked the equivalent of five electronic cigarettes a day and that he had also started using flavored nicotine with menthol, which contains more toxic microparticles.

I think he vaped a lot. I now know he was vaping at school and he wasn't supposed to. I thought it was under control” explained his mother in particular while affirming that she was now attentive to any suspicious behavior.

Following the mishap that happened to her son, she also encourages all parents to check their children's belongings. “Check your children's bags daily and take a look under the beds, under the blankets” she advised. “And beware of hoods: some teenagers use them to hide the fact that they vape. she concludes.