Health and Fitness

Did you know you can be addicted to nicotine without smoking?

Did you know you can be addicted to nicotine without smoking?

On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, the National Committee Against Smoking (CNCT) calls for a ban on nicotine sachets, sold illegally in Europe. They cause dependence on this substance, which is toxic to the brains of young people. Insights from Olivier Galera, tobacco specialist in Toulouse.

Nicotine is a substance commonly associated with tobacco. So how is it possible to be addicted to nicotine, without smoking? This happens when you consume nicotine sachets, not to be confused with snus.

What is the difference between nicotine pouches and snus?

On this World No Tobacco Day, which is held every year on May 31, the National Committee Against Tobacco calls for a ban on nicotine sachets in Europe. “These are polymer fibers contained in a permeable sachet and impregnated with nicotine and flavorings. They are placed between the gum and the oral wall and diffuse the substance through the oral-gingival mucosa. explains tobacco specialist Olivier Galera.

It is not quite the same thing as snus, which is made from tobacco in sachets, also taken orally. Snus is banned throughout the European Union except in Sweden. Nicotine sachets are therefore in a way a way of circumventing the law and allowing young people to access this substance, like nicotine beads elsewhere.

Nicotine, an extremely addictive substance

What is wrong with this type of product? “The problem is that nicotine is very addictive. explains Dr. Galera. “It is a neurotoxic insecticide which alters the still maturing brains of the youngest, particularly those under 25.”

However, due to significant marketing – through social networks like Snapchat, for example – and pleasant fruity flavors, adolescents and young adults are the primary consumers. “Studies carried out by functional MRI have proven that there is atrophy of certain areas of the cerebral cortex following nicotine consumption. There is a dysregulation of the brain regions which determine attention, concentration, memorization and the management of emotions. adds the doctor.

More seriously, nicotine becomes, in a way, the fuel necessary for the brain to function. A vicious circle of dependence then sets in. “A real deregulation sets in, the person no longer knows how to use their brain without nicotine. says our expert.

Easy to access products

These products, described as “addictive” and “toxic” by the CNCT, are also easy to obtain and inexpensive. “HASWith the box costing on average 5 euros, the product is much cheaper than a pack of cigarettes.” recalls Olivier Galera. But will deliver a much stronger dose of nicotine. “On average, one sachet delivers 6 mg of nicotine, compared to 1 to 3 mg for one cigarette : so it's more than double” confirms the doctor. According to CNCT figures, certain nicotine sachets can even deliver up to 50mg for certain brands!

Faced with this scourge, the doctor recommends alerting young people to the fact that nicotine is dangerous for their health. “We often assimilate caffeine and nicotine. However, nicotine is an insecticide. By presenting it to the new generation, more concerned about the impact of the environment on health, this makes it possible to raise their awareness of the dangers of this substance.” he concludes.