Diets and NutritionHealth and Fitness

How Chicken Liver Is Good for the Body: 6 Properties

How Chicken Liver Is Good for the Body: 6 Properties
  • What is this
  • The nutritional value
  • Benefit
  • Harm
  • How to choose
  • Recipes

The material was commented on by:

Elena Ostrovskaya, endocrinologist, specialist in preventive and anti-age medicine at the European Medical Center EMC;

Alexandra Razarenova, dietitian, nutritionist, therapist, member of the European Union of Nutritionists, Dietitians and Food Industry Specialists;

Yaroslav Klyuchevsky, top-category chef, brand chef, crisis manager in the restaurant business.

What is chicken liver

Chicken liver is a useful part of chicken by-products. This organ is located between the stomach and the diaphragm of the bird. The liver can be eaten fried and baked, sausages, fillings for pastries and pates are made from it. In European cuisine you can find recipes for liver cutlets, in Italian cuisine – sauces, and in Chinese cuisine it is combined with shrimp, bamboo and chestnuts.

Calorie content of chicken liver and nutritional value

Chicken liver contains a large amount of cholesterol, but it also contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. In 100 g of product (1):

  • 119 kcal;
  • 16.9 years squirrel;
  • 4.8 g fat;
  • 0.7 years carbohydrates.
How Chicken Liver Is Good for the Body: 6 Properties

What are the health benefits of chicken liver: 6 properties

Regular limited consumption of chicken liver promotes heart and vascular health, strengthens the nervous system and immunity, and maintains a stable emotional state:

1. Source of vitamins

Chicken liver contains 16.6 mcg per 100 g vitamin B12. It reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, is necessary for the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system, and improves blood circulation (2).

There are many in the product Vitamin A, which is essential for eye health, white blood cell production, and immune health (3), (4). It is involved in many processes in the body, including collagen production (5). Liver also contains selenium, which lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, helps prevent a tendency to vascular diseases, and increases the level of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that helps protect against oxidative stress (6).

2. Rich in saturated fats

A diet low in saturated fat helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. But 100 g of chicken liver contains 345 mg cholesterol, so you shouldn't consume it too often.

3. Contains a lot of iron

100 g of chicken liver contains about 9 mg iron, which allows the body to use oxygen efficiently and produce new red blood cells. This mineral also plays a role in cell division and immune system health. Iron deficiency can cause fatigue, low oxygen levels, and weakened immunity.

4. Supports the nervous system

The liver contains tryptophan, an amino acid that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps fight stress. Tryptophan reduces the production of cortisol, helping to reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. This amino acid affects the increase in serotonin levels, the hormone of happiness.

Alexandra Razarenova explains that serotonin helps combat depression and anxiety: “But you don’t need to eat liver in large quantities to get these benefits. Moderation is important to avoid potential negative effects. Overall, chicken liver can be a healthy addition to the diet, but it should be consumed in reasonable quantities, combined with a variety of foods to achieve an optimal balance of nutrients.”

5. Strengthens the immune system

Chicken liver contains a lot of magnesium and phosphorus, which help the body produce red blood cells and activate the immune system. Vitamin C in the product increases the body's resistance to negative environmental factors, which is especially important for residents of large cities. Folic acid, vitamin B, is also responsible for strengthening the immune system.9 (7).

6. Promotes weight loss

According to Alexandra Razarenova, chicken liver can be useful for weight loss and is suitable for dieting when consumed in moderation. “Here are some reasons why it can be a good choice:

  • Low calorie content. Chicken liver is relatively low in calories compared to other meat products, making it a good source of protein without excess calories.
  • High protein content. Protein helps keep you feeling full and helps maintain muscle mass during weight loss, making it a great choice for dieting.
  • Nutrients. Liver contains many vitamins and minerals that are important for overall health and metabolism.
  • Satisfying the feeling of hunger. Because of its high protein and nutrient content, chicken liver will help you stay full longer, reducing the overall number of calories you consume.

However, it is important to remember the following points:

  • Cholesterol content: Chicken liver contains high amounts of cholesterol, so people with cardiovascular problems or high cholesterol should consume it with caution.
  • Variety in the diet: Like any other product, chicken liver should be consumed as part of a balanced diet, diversifying the diet with other sources of protein, vegetables and cereals.”

The harm of chicken liver to the body

Photo: Minadezhda / Shutterstock / FOTODOM

If you are adding a new product to your diet, start with a small portion to eliminate possible individual reactions. Alexandra Razarenova says that, despite all the benefits of offal, liver also has contraindications: “Due to the high content of vitamin A, it is not recommended to abuse chicken liver, especially for pregnant women, as this can lead to hypervitaminosis. People with liver or pancreatic diseases should consult a doctor before including the product in their diet. It is better to eat liver cooked, as this reduces the risk of foodborne infections.

It is important to focus on individual needs and health conditions. Excessive consumption of chicken liver can lead to several potential problems:

  • Hypervitaminosis A: Chicken liver contains very high levels of vitamin A. Excessive consumption can cause an overdose, leading to symptoms such as headache, nausea, fatigue, and in more severe cases, liver damage.
  • Increased cholesterol levels: In people with high cholesterol or cardiovascular disease, frequent consumption of liver may worsen these problems.
  • Accumulation of toxins: liver — an organ that processes toxins. If the bird was not kept properly and was stressed, this could lead to the accumulation of harmful substances in its liver. Consuming such a product can have a negative impact on health.
  • Digestive problems: Some people may experience stomach discomfort or other digestive problems with liver, especially if they are not used to the product.
  • Allergic reactions: Although rare, some people have an allergic reaction to chicken liver.

To avoid these problems, it is recommended to consume chicken liver in moderation and diversify your diet with other sources of protein and nutrients.».

Endocrinologist Elena Ostrovskaya says that chicken liver should be consumed with caution by people with elevated uric acid levels (gout) due to the high protein content: “Also, regular consumption of this offal is contraindicated during an exacerbation of pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

There are no other contraindications, apart from individual allergic reactions. Therefore, in other cases it is only a matter of quantity: a safe quantity for the body is 300–400 g in…

About author

Giovanna Pirri (Nutritional Biologist) Graduated in Biological Sciences with a thesis on the nutritional approach in the diabetic patient, she graduated with full marks in Health Biology at the University of Padua in 2008 . In 2011 she passed the State Exam and qualified for the profession of Nutritional Biologist . She obtained the Master in Human Nutrition in Milan, and remains constantly updated through characterizing courses on the universe of food. [email protected]