Diets and NutritionHealth and Fitness

How to lose weight in your arms: diet, exercises for home and gym, trainer's advice

How to lose weight in your arms: diet, exercises for home and gym, trainer's advice

Basic principles and optimal exercises for beautiful hands.

  • Principles
  • Exercises for home
  • Exercises in the gym
  • Nutrition
  • Expert Advice

The material was commented on by:

Ilya Frank, XFIT Master Trainer, author of the video in this article;

Yolanta Langauer, nutritionist, parapharmacist, president of the International Association of Naturopathic Medicine.

How to Lose Weight in Your Arms: Basic Principles

Many people are looking for a way to tidy up just one part of the body, for example, their arms. But the problem is that the fat layer is distributed relatively evenly, although it leaves problem areas last. Therefore, in order to see beautiful, sculpted biceps in the mirror and confidently wear sleeveless clothes, you will have to work in several directions at once.

According to master trainer Ilya Frank, the basis for losing weight is a proper diet: “For proper weight loss (reducing fat tissue, not depleting the body), a balanced diet and a moderate calorie deficit are necessary. It should be created through physical activity. It is necessary to receive all the nutrients for energy. Therefore, not doing physical activity, but simply stopping eating and starting to starve is a dangerous idea for health.”

Physical activity is no less important if you want to have beautiful, sculpted arms. Moreover, cardio exercises should become a habit. Research confirms that even with regular strength training, the condition of the forearms does not change much, despite the active work of the muscles (1) To achieve the effect, it is worth connecting active fat-burning workouts.

How to Lose Weight in Your Arms: Exercises at Home

Ilya Frank recommends several exercises for working on your arms: “Take five exercises for home into your arsenal. Use your own body weight and two 0.5-1.5 liter bottles of water as weights. Perform the exercises in three sets of 12-15 repetitions. Rest between sets – 45-60 seconds.” To keep your body in good shape and achieve toned arms and forearms, it is enough to devote 10-15 minutes a day to them:

1. Inchworm

From a standing position, bend over until your hands touch the mat and walk forward on your hands to a plank position. Do one push-up and walk back up on your hands.

2. Bent-over arm and shoulder curls with weights

Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells or water bottles in your hands. Bend over, moving your pelvis back. Bend your elbows at the bottom, straighten them, return to the starting position and raise your arms up.

3. Bent-over arm extension with weights

Bend forward as in the previous exercise. Bend and straighten your elbows, moving your hands with weights forward and back.

4. Dog up&down with push-ups

In this exercise, you need to make a smooth transition from the downward facing dog position to the upward facing dog position and back. Check that your shoulders are above your wrists and that your palms are firmly pressed to the floor. Push off from your palms and from the insteps of your feet, pushing your chest forward.

5. Straight alternating punches with weights

Straight arm punches engage the muscles of the arms and shoulders. The exercise can be done standing still, but it is better to increase its benefits by turning it into active cardio. To do this, work not only with your arms, but also with your legs, alternately lifting your knees at a comfortable pace, which can be gradually increased.

How to Lose Weight in Your Arms: Exercises for the Gym

If you go to the gym, Ilya Frank recommends doing exercises on special equipment: “Do them in three sets of 12-15 repetitions. Rest between sets – 45-60 seconds.”

6. Seated Press

Grasp the handles of the machine with an overhand grip (palms facing forward). Inhale and press the handles away from your chest. Exhale at the moment of maximum tension or when your arms are fully straightened.

7. Bending of arms in the simulator

Cable curls work the biceps and brachioradialis. Grab the lower pulley handle with an underhand grip, then lift the cable handle by bending your elbows. Slowly lower the cable handle until your arms are fully extended.

8. Bending your arms and rotating the kettlebell around your head

A dynamic exercise that helps strengthen the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and core, and develops flexibility. Raise your arms, holding the kettlebell at chest level. Slowly move it around your head. Make sure the movements are smooth. Once you have made a full turn, change direction and move the kettlebell in the other direction. Maintain an upright body position and control the movements.

9. Pulls the jug

In the gym, you can pull an “endless” rope in a special device – a rope trainer. It allows you to conduct a coordinated workout of the muscles of the body, delta, back and even hands. It is important to control a firm grip and muscle tension throughout the movement.

10. Double Unders

To do this exercise, you must first confidently learn to jump rope in the usual single mode. Double jumps are acceleration, in which you must spin the rope around yourself twice in one jump. Accordingly, the arms and shoulders work more actively.

Diet for weight loss in hands

It is impossible to lose weight without controlling your diet. It is the diet that gives the greatest effect, while training allows you to burn calories and strengthen muscles.

Nutritionist Jolanta Langauer says that losing weight in your arms is a task that can be very challenging: “The arms are one of those parts of the body where fat accumulates first, and it is very difficult to burn it here. However, following the general principles of a balanced diet will help you achieve the desired results.

It is important to understand that you cannot locally burn fat in certain areas of the body, including the arms. Therefore, in order to lose weight in this area, you need to reduce the overall percentage of body fat. This can be done through lifestyle modifications and the introduction of new eating habits, as well as moderate exercise and stress management.

It is worth mentioning that often the cause of excess weight that cannot be quickly corrected is subclinical conditions. That is, you are generally healthy, but there are already significant violations of internal processes. For example, these can be various vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hypothyroidism (insufficient thyroid hormones), very high levels of stress and sleep disorders.

First of all, you should pay attention to the quality and nutritional density of the food you consume. In order to adjust your weight, you need to consume fewer empty calories. That is, exclude fast carbohydrates from your diet as much as possible: baked goods made from white processed flour, candy, milk chocolate, dried fruits, sweet drinks, and control the amount of cereals. Be sure to include more vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats in your diet, such as fatty fish, butter, cold-pressed vegetable oils, olives, avocado, cod liver.

Also don't forget about water balance. Drink enough water throughout the day. Water speeds up metabolism and helps the body get rid of toxins, and also has a positive effect on lymph movement. Its stagnation is also an important factor in local excess weight.”

Ilya Frank also says that it is necessary to exclude unhealthy foods – semi-finished products, sausages, fast food, sweets, flour products, learn to cook food in the right ways – bake, stew, boil, use a steamer: “Add products to your diet, rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. Eat quality protein in sufficient quantities. Carbohydrates should be complex: choose the right cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, quinoa, millet, oatmeal). Give your body the right energy, and do not limit it. Vegetable fats must be present in the diet. Animal fat is also needed, but in moderation – do not get carried away with fatty…

About author

Giovanna Pirri (Nutritional Biologist) Graduated in Biological Sciences with a thesis on the nutritional approach in the diabetic patient, she graduated with full marks in Health Biology at the University of Padua in 2008 . In 2011 she passed the State Exam and qualified for the profession of Nutritional Biologist . She obtained the Master in Human Nutrition in Milan, and remains constantly updated through characterizing courses on the universe of food. [email protected]