Health and Fitness

Lightning struck near Lens, killing one person. Dr. Kierzek's tips for protecting yourself

Lightning struck near Lens, killing one person.  Dr. Kierzek's tips for protecting yourself

By falling on a football field yesterday, Thursday May 23, lightning killed one person and seriously injured another near Lens, in Pas-de-Calais. How to protect yourself? Recommendations from Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of TipsForWomens.

Lightning struck a football field near Lens, killing one person and seriously injuring another. The deceased is a young man of 33 years old and was a football coach, according to our colleagues at The voice of the North. The injured person suffered from “chest pain” and was “transported to hospital in a state of absolute emergency“. Other people were also reported to have been injured by this weather event.

What to do and not to do in the event of a storm?

Dr Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor, medical director of TipsForWomens and author of Have the right reflexes, published by Fayard, specifies: “The first thing to do when caught in a storm is to take shelter”. What are the safest places?

It is possible to take refuge in an enclosed building, moving away from the windows” recommends the doctor. “On the other hand, forget the bus shelter, because it is open to all wind and does not offer sufficient protection“.

The other option is the car, but under conditions. “It doesn’t have to be a convertible model” specifies the doctor. “EIt must not be parked under a tree and its roof must be made of metal, because if lightning strikes your vehicle, it will then function like a Faraday cage, that is to say like a protective envelope which will deflect the current in the ground”.

On the contrary, what are the places to absolutely avoid?

Fields or flat areas like football stadiums should be avoided.” the doctor responds straight away. “Don't take shelter under a tree either because if lightning strikes, the tree will not protect you. In addition to receiving an electric shock or attracting lightning, you could be injured by a falling tree or branch.”.

Furthermore, you should also know that in the mountains, caves and cavities are not good shelter. “On the contrary, they attract lightning inside” warns Gérald Kierzek, who also reminds us to move away “water points, plains and rocky facades”.

How can I protect myself if I have neither an enclosed space nor a car available?

“The typical example is that of the hiker. In the great outdoors, when you are caught in a storm you simply have to sit on your backpack, feet together, and head resting on your knees. The goal is to avoid contact with the ground as much as possible in case lightning strikes near you. If you do not have a bag to act as insulation, remain crouched with your head on your knees. explains our expert.

Good to know : “If you are in a group, stay about ten meters away from each other. The human body being a conductor, lightning can pass from one person to another and thus cause several victims. By moving far enough away, this prevents the whole group from being struck by lightning and it will be easier to come to the aid of the injured person and alert the emergency services.” advises Dr. Gérald Kierzek.

What safety instructions should you know?

If the weather forecast predicts a storm, cancel your outdoor activities and do not take your bike or motorcycle. And if you're driving a car, slow down and be careful.”call the emergency doctor. “IIt's best to stay safe inside your home by closing windows and staying away from them. And final precaution: do not touch metallic objects that may be conductive, such as water pipes, faucets, your stove…” concludes the doctor.