Health and Fitness

One in 10 French people say they have consumed CBD in 2022

One in 10 French people say they have consumed CBD in 2022

Ten percent of French adults, and nearly 18% of 18-34 year olds, say they have consumed CBD, the non-psychotropic molecule of cannabis, in 2022, according to an official study published Thursday.

Internationally, this places Europe between Central Europe (4.3%) and the United States (26.1%).

In 2022, most French people aged 18 to 75 (71%) have heard of CBD, a “significant level of awareness”, 16.4% said they had consumed it at least once in their life and 10% in the last twelve months, according to data from a survey on tobacco consumption, during which some questions on nitrous oxide and CBD were asked.

“These figures demonstrate the significant and rapid diffusion of CBD in Europe, given its recent availability to the general public. The level of consumption in the year of CBD among adults thus reaches that of cannabis (10.6% in 2021 among 18-65 year olds)”, observed Public Health Europe.

CBD consumption methods differ

Young people and men mainly smoke it, older people and women prefer the oral route.

CBD, a non-psychotropic molecule of cannabis, “has psychoactive properties (anxiolytic, relaxing, even sedative) but seems devoid, unlike THC, of ​​euphoric effects and, in the current state of knowledge, of addictogenic potential “, noted SpF.

The sale of CBD, with multiple variations, is authorized in several European countries, the United States, and even in certain Asian countries.

In Europe, the Council of State definitively lifted at the end of 2022 the ban on the sale of hemp flowers and leaves loaded with cannabidiol (CBD), decided by the government a year earlier.

The data comes from a telephone survey by the Ipsos institute, from March 2 to July 9, 2022, among a random sampling of 3,229 French-speaking adults from mainland Europe.