Health and Fitness

Pimple in the ear: causes, what to do, when to consult?

Pimple in the ear: causes, what to do, when to consult?

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The pimple in the ear is most often benign. Painful or not, it is inflammatory or infectious. Ear pimples are sometimes associated with acne or eczema. Whatever the type of lesion, you should avoid piercing it yourself, especially in the event of an infection. The risk is inflammation of the ear canal leading to more severe problems.

Definition of pimple in the ear

The ear button is a very common dermatological condition. Most of the time benign, some lesions have a more serious cause and require more rapid treatment. The button is mainly found on visible parts of the ear (external ear), particularly on the pinna, lobe, concha or helix, but we also find it frequently behind the ear. It is sometimes present at inside the ear canal.

What are the symptoms of a pimple in the ear (discomfort, pain, etc.?

Ear pimples can appear in several forms depending on their cause. The different symptoms that accompany it are variable. L’inflammation presents itself with various unpleasant signs:

  • A redness ;
  • And swelling very localized;
  • An injured area sensible touch ;
  • The presence of pus and possibly blood-tinted debris;
  • A pain to the ear.

The symptoms and characteristics of the pimple are different and depend on the type of pimple.

Why do I have a pimple in my ear: what are the possible causes?

We can categorize the ear button into two large groups: the infectious pimple and the non-infectious pimple.

The development of a spot on the ear may be favored by the wearing earringsand lack of hygiene or a hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands.

Tobacco, hormonal imbalance or immunosuppression can also promote the appearance of spots, as can certain skin conditions (acne, eczema, etc.).

Blackhead in the outer ear

L’appearance of blackhead in the ear is possible, according to Dr. Caroline Pouget, medical dermatologist. “The ear secretes a large quantity of sebum at the ear level, so it is an area particularly at risk.”. Indeed, in the event of excess sebum, its evacuation poses a problem. The oily substance remains on the surface of the hair follicle. The sebum oxidizes, creating blackheads or small pus spots on the ear.

Infection: what is a boil (piercing, behind the ear)?

Like the nose, the ear is often the seat of potentially pathogenic microorganisms, such as the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Bacteria sometimes take up residence at the root of a follicle, until they form a inflammation locale or an infection : it's here folliculite. This inflammation of the base of the hair is rather painful. An area of ​​tension is created at the level of the lesion.


“No cyst is a round, hard ball of uniform shape under the skin. This type of pimple is more likely to be found on the lobe or behind the ear. Inside a cyst, we find chalky material.”

The nodule

The nodule is a bit hard and in the presence of inflammation we find the typical signs like redness and pain. The nodule is mainly present in the helix of the ear or on the lobe. This type of pimple is sometimes visible in athletes likely to receive shocks to the ears, such as in rugby or boxing. THE nodule at the helix of the ear is then painful and sensitive to touch.

What is ear carcinoma (helix, anthelix)?

More rarely, the ear button reveals a squamous cell carcinoma or basocellulaire. The button is mainly present at the level of the pinna of the ear, the helix and the antihelix. Ears are one of the skin areas we monitor as dermatologists“, specifies Dr C. Pouget.

“The lesions sometimes appear as small, painful, transparent skin nodules with small visible vessels in dermoscopy. In any case, the biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.”

Although less common, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are skin cancers. These malignant lesions most often occur after repeated and prolonged sun exposure.

How to get rid of ear pimples at home?

YOU do not pierce the cyst, nodule or boil. These types of pimples in the ear could become complicated by abscess, in addition to causing very painful local inflammation. Only a healthcare professional is able to do this in perfect conditions.

To fight against a possible bacterial infection, the button must be disinfected morning and eveningthanks to a disinfectant compress.

In the event of a boil or infectious pimple in the ear, be sure to regularly wash laundry in contact with the bacteria-infected area, such as pillowcases.

Before touching your ear, remember to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.

Treatment: how to treat and remove a pimple in the ear?

The dermatological treatment depends on the type of pimple.

In the event of a painful and recalcitrant blackhead, a local treatment based on retinoic acid is prescribed to the patient. Retinoic acid is contraindicated in pregnant women. Dermatological skin cleansing, by micro incision of the comedones, can complete this treatment.

A local infection is treated with antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics should be taken locally, or even orally in the event of an abscess. THE cyclines are effective in treating acne. The treatment of carcinomas is surgical.” explains Dr. C. Pouget.

Sometimes the pus from the boil is surgically drained by a healthcare professional under local anesthesia.

“Faced with signs of infection, we first try thelocal antibiotic. Sometimes an incision is necessary to evacuate purulent secretions, especially in cases of abscesses, boils or cysts.

When to consult?

Pimple inside the ear

The presence of a pimple inside the ear should lead you to consult an ENT doctor in order to implement treatment.

Pimple outside the ear

It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional, such as your doctor or dermatologist if:

  • Inflamed or superinfected cyst (red, painful sore, etc.);
  • Signs of infection;
  • Severe discomfort;
  • Pain difficult to manage;
  • Persistent button;
  • Of embarrassment.

If you have skin problems, do not hesitate to consult your dermatologist.