Health and Fitness

Pronation and supination: movements, what are the differences, in sport

Pronation and supination: movements, what are the differences, in sport

Pronation and supination are opposite movements. They are essential for the proper functioning of the hand. The ability of the hand to turn up and down depends on these movements. Other terms are used to refer to movements in the feet or ankles. In sports and in everyday life, pronation and supination are important. Find out why.

Definition, what is the difference between pronation, supination and prono-supination?

The pronation and the supination are two movements of the wrist and ankle relating to hand and foot positions.

For the upper limb, “these are two movements of the forearm mobilizing the two bones of the forearm, the radius and the ulna”specifies Doctor Denys Barrault, sports and physical activity doctor.

The prono-supination movement is the combination of pronation and supination. Rotation of the hand is possible thanks to the winding of the two bones of the forearm.

These rotational movements are very useful in daily life or in the field of sport: fencing, tennis, badminton, handball, volleyball, rowing, kayaking, combat sports, throwing, pole vault, etc.

What is a pronation movement: how are the hands and elbow?

According to the explanations of Dr. D. Barrault, “when your elbow is fixed on the table and your hand is looking down (palm towards the floor), your forearm is in pronation. Your hand can pick up an object.

What is a supination movement: how are the hands and elbow?

“So when your elbow is on the table and your hand is looking up (palm up), your forearm is in supination. Your hand can support an object.”

Ankle inversion and eversion

The ankle has several joints. The bones of the leg, notably the tibia and fibula, resemble, below at the ankle, an arch that fits over a bone: the talus. Flexion and extension movements take place between the tibia and the talus. The talus rests on another bone located below: the calcaneus. Some muscles attach to the malleoli, which are the lower ends of the tibia and fibula, or against the talus.

To describe the ankle movementswe are rather talking aboutinversion and D'annual version :

  • L’inversion means “inside“, the movement therefore corresponds to the supinationtowards the interior ;
  • Eversion means that we turn the soles of the feet towards the exteriorthe movement therefore corresponds to the pronation.

To sum up

There is a third medical term to define the movements: l’abduction et l’adduction.

Towards the inside Outwards
Supination Pronation
Inversion Eversion
Adduction Abduction

What are the supinator or pronator muscles?

THE muscles supinateurs are the muscles which, by definition, ensure supination. The pronator muscles do the opposite. We find them mainly on the forearm and around the ankle.

In the forearm, the supinator muscle is the deep muscle that surrounds the head of the radius, which is located near the elbow.

In the event of a fall, functional consequences are possible.

Light et varus du pied

“At the ankle joints, we are talking about valgus and of varus. In a given position, such as standing, if we look at the back of the heel, we visualize the angle between the heel and the leg axis. This axis is never vertical. Either the angle goes outwards, this is the valgus of the foot, or the angle is turned inwards, this is the varus of the foot. specifies the specialist doctor.

Pronation and supination in sports

How do you know if you are pronator or supinator?

When the doctor visualizes the back of the foot, particularly the athlete's heel, he identifies the valgus where the varus. To find out if you have a pronator or supinator foot movement, you can help yourself by looking at the soles of your shoes. If the inside of the sole is more damaged, you are probably pronator. If the outside of the sole is damaged, then you are more of a supinator.

Why know your stride type?

If you're a fan of running or walking, knowing your movements can explain certain types of pain. “Annoying pain in the foot is sometimes an indication for stabilizing insoles, which hold the heel in order to reduce valgus or varus. In general, we reduce valgus” specifies the doctor.

Knowing your foot movement well guides the choice of running or walking shoes in order to adapt them to your feet and your stride.

Musculation, traction : pronation ou supination ?

In all cases, performing supination or pronation pull-ups allows you to work the muscles (supinators or pronators) of the arms, back and trunk. If you want to work your biceps, it is recommended to do your pull-ups supinated (palms of your hands facing you). If you want to strengthen your back, choose to do your pull-ups in pronation (back of your hands towards you).

Bone fracture

These two movements (pronation and supination) are only possible if the anatomy of the forearm is normal, if the two bones are not fractured. During a bone fracture, a substance is produced by the body in order to consolidate the bone, this is bone callus. The latter promotes bone healing, which takes the initial shape of the bone, before having been fractured.

If the bones are fractured or if consolidation occurs with a large bone callus, prono-supination is hampered or reduced and sometimes impossible“, explains Dr. D. Barrault. “If the bone callus is frankly disabling, the treatment can be surgical.“.

Indeed, following trauma to the ankle, wrist or in the event of fractures of the bones of the forearm (radius for example) following a fall or accident, the bones must return to their normal anatomical appearance to 'roll up and perform the movements.

Wrist surgery is complex and requires specific skills. One of the risks of the procedure is the ossification of the interosseous membrane (between the bones), which then hinders movement.

If the consolidation of the bones in the event of fractures is poor and the bone callus hinders the winding of the two bones, the forearm can no longer supinate. In these cases, a surgery can be considered. “The goal is to reduce the volume of the bone callus to allow the bones to roll up again and regain proper joint function” concludes the specialist doctor.