Diets and Nutrition

8 medications not to take with your coffee according to experts

8 medications not to take with your coffee according to experts

Coffee and medicine don't mix, that's a fact. But which products are affected? Dr Gérald Kierzek, medical director of TipsForWomens, enlightens us.

Certain foods, drinks or even tobacco can influence the activity of a medication by attenuating, slowing down or, on the contrary, reinforcing one or more of its effects in the body, assures Health Insurance. And coffee is one of them! How in this context can we prevent interactions between coffee and medications? Answer.

Medicines and coffee: attention, caution

Consumption of caffeine, which is found in coffee, tea, but also certain sodas, can interact with different medications and modify their effects.

Lina Matta, director of outpatient pharmacy at Brigham and Women's Hospital, warns against these interactions in an article published by Harvard Medical School.

The caffeine in coffee may increase the effectiveness of over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen and anti-inflammatory pain relievers including aspirin and ibuprofen. However, for many other important medications, coffee can cause interactions that decrease their effectiveness. For example, even decaffeinated coffee can reduce the absorption of a medication by making stomach contents more acidic.“, confides the specialist.

These are not absolute contraindications but sometimes interactions possible,” emphasized Dr. Gérald Kierzek on his side.

The medical director of TipsForWomens therefore urges caution in the presence of these medications:

  • Painkillers : “Coffee may increase the effectiveness of over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen and aspirin, but it may reduce the absorption of other medications by making stomach contents more acidic.” ;
  • Heart medications : “Coffee may interact with these medications, changing their effectiveness” ;
  • Hypotenseurs : “Coffee may affect blood pressure and the effectiveness of these medications”;
  • Medicines for diabetes, asthma and stomach : “Coffee can affect their functioning” ;
  • Diuretics : “They can be influenced by caffeine“.

NO to diets, YES to WW!

Beware of antibiotics!

Some antibiotics, such as fluoroquinolones – used to treat various bacterial infections – don't play well with coffee. Indeed, simultaneous consumption of caffeine and fluoroquinolones can result in significant interactions, increasing the risk of toxicity and side effects.

When taking certain antibiotics, particularly from the fluoroquinolone family, you should avoid consuming caffeine. In fact, these medications reduce the elimination of caffeine and can then cause its accumulation in the body, with an overdose and toxic effects (heart palpitations, nausea and hallucinations).“, specifies the Health Insurance website.

Caffeine should also be avoided if “anti-asthma treatment with theophylline, because these 2 substances have similar effects, which may cause an increase in the side effects of the drug“, concludes the Améli website.

The 10 benefits of tea

Slide: The 10 benefits of tea

About author

I pass by being that person liable to duty, but who cannot resist the flights of imagination. I have always loved the legends, the myths and the stories of the old and distant times with my whole being. In high school I fell in love with the history of art and I made it the object of my university studies. Once I graduated, I dusted off an old flame: that of children's literature. I rediscovered the beauty and importance of illustrated books and books, where, to a quality text, images are added that give strength and enrich what is narrated with meaning. It can be said that illustrators often make real works of art! It was then that I decided to follow this passion of mine both as a volunteer, entering the ranks of readers born to read, and in my work as a librarian. I am a greedy devoured of illustrated books (I have an absolute weakness for the stories that have bears or wolves as protagonists!), I love simple stories that know how to strike and surprise. I hate pigeon-holed books in a specific age group and readers in a certain category of readings. I think everyone is different and deserves to choose (and be chosen by the books) without constraints, in complete freedom! [email protected]