Health and Fitness

9 things to do as a parent when your child is in the emergency room

9 things to do as a parent when your child is in the emergency room

In the emergency room, do you often feel helpless when faced with your child’s discomfort? An emergency doctor will tell you what to do.

Fever, vomiting, a fall at the fair… The lives of young children are often filled with injuries. While it is not necessary to rush to the hospital at the slightest symptom, sometimes an emergency (sometimes life-threatening) is necessary. But once there, what is the right attitude to adopt? Answer.

The 9 tips to follow

In the emergency room, the seriousness of each case is assessed and the care of the child follows: we do not treat a feverish newborn in the same way as a three-year-old child with a wound.

Despite everything, if your child is hospitalized and you are concerned about their care, certain “techniques” can be put in place, assures an emergency doctor known under the pseudonym @docteur.urgences.

The idea here? “Be your child’s best advocate“, she reveals.

  • When you arrive at the hospital with your child, you prepare the ground: you explain what symptoms your child has.“.
  • We then indicate “the worries we had and which led us to the hospital” ;
  • If possible, we show “photos and videos of exactly what happened” ;
  • Once the child is seen by the doctor, there is no hesitation.”not to ask for the diagnosis – in order to know exactly what he has” ;
  • We also ask “what are the signs of worsening” ;
  • Then we ask “How long does it take to see improvement with the proposed treatment?” ;
  • However, if your parental instinct tells you something is wrong; “you have to question it’s very important“, explains the doctor, starting by saying “I’m worried about…. I’m not sure if the current treatment is working… What are the next steps?“.
  • If you feel like the diagnosis is still not correct and the doctors were wrong; you must then say “JI feel that my child is not well, are there any additional tests that need to be done?”
  • Despite this, if you are not “still not comfortable with caring for your child“let it be known”that you do not feel listened to, and that you would like to obtain a second medical opinion.” Ask “to speak to the department manager or department head“, advises the emergency doctor.

If the Doctor hopes “that you will never have to use all these techniques“, they can nevertheless prove very useful on the big day.

@docteur.urgences You take your child to the hospital, here are my methods to make yourself heard as a parent and defend your cause #hospital #pediatrics #apprenticesurtiktok #medecindetiktok #parentalite #children #doctor ♬ original sound – Docteur Urgences