
“Be Delulu”, this individual trend is also beneficial for your relationship according to an expert

“Be Delulu”, this individual trend is also beneficial for your relationship according to an expert

Showing a touch of madness in your daily life is not necessarily harmful to the couple. On the contrary, the “Be Delulu” trend which is sweeping the networks could well bring a little positivity and challenge into a life together, according to a dating expert.

Perhaps you have already seen this term on the networks: be delulu, or delulu, simply. Taken from the English “be delusional”, it is the new trend and way of being in sight. She describes people perceived as “unrealistic” or “delusional”, those who intend to live a star's life, to have fun without responsibility, or who have dreams full of dreams that are sometimes a little crazy. But if the term may seem a little pejorative, “delulu” people could well bring something to your relationship, as announced by the dating site Seeking, at the forefront of romantic trends. Obviously, a delulu person must distinguish between playful daydreaming and unrealistic expectations, but enjoys it.

Attract the dream and design ambitious projects together

Thus, a tendency to be delulu can act as a form of manifestation, where one attracts and realizes one's dreams through the power of thought and the commitment this creates to ambitious goals. But in couples, this little grain of unrealistic madness can also be beneficial, because it stimulates creativity, innovation and motivation by allowing partners to pursue not only their individual dreams, but also their common goals.

“This encourages a positive attitude, allowing partners to see beyond immediate challenges to promising possibilities” relies on

Additionally, this mindset encourages taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone, opening the door to new opportunities and personal development while building emotional resilience. And sharing dreams and ambitions helps build a dynamic where everyone is motivated to go further, actively supporting the other in achieving their personal and common aspirations.

“Chez, being “delulu” is positive. You simply visualize the life you deserve. You raise your standards, continuing to aim even higher for your personal and professional life. However, as you meet people, you can meet people with the same vision and the same ambition.” underlines Emma Hathorn, dating expert for

The benefits of a little “delulu” in married life

Don't run away from a partner who sometimes lacks realism. A delulu attitude can do you a lot.

  • It promotes a positive attitude: Adopting a delulu mindset can help maintain a positive outlook on life. It encourages you to see beyond immediate obstacles and focus on more promising possibilities, which can be encouraging and hopeful;
  • It encourages risk-taking: When you are comfortable with delulu thinking, you are more willing to take risks and step out of your comfort zone, because that is often where opportunities and personal development lie;
  • It builds a common world: For couples, creating a shared fantasy world (even if just as a joke) can become a unique aspect of their relationship, a private universe where they can retreat together from the stresses of everyday life.

How to be the best “delulu” for yourself?

But being delulu already begins with oneself, before being so together. How do you start this positive state of mind?

  • Set audacious goals: Dream big and set goals that may seem far-fetched to you at first. Whether it's a major career change, planning a solo world tour, or aspiring to achieve something grand like writing a novel, indulge in your limitless ambitions;
  • Visualize success: Use the power of visualization to see yourself achieving your wildest dreams. Imagine the details – where you are, what you are doing, the feelings of success and joy. This process can boost your motivation and perhaps even clarify the steps to follow;
  • Incorporate creativity into daily tasks: Transform routine activities into something fun and imaginative. For example, if you're cooking dinner, put yourself in the shoes of a chef on a popular cooking show. It can make everyday tasks more enjoyable and less mundane;
  • Keep a “Delulu Journal”: Keep a journal in which you write down your fantastic ideas, dreams and aspirations. Sometimes writing them down not only makes them more entertaining, but can also spark ideas on how to make them happen.
About author

Gianluca Zompi (Yoga and martial arts expert) Atypical and unconventional researcher, she decides to leave his studies at the age of 15 to travel between Europe, Africa and Asia and especially India , where she currently lives and works. Over time, the research fields to which she has devoted himself most are integral yoga, psychonautics and oneironautics, mineralogy, fruit-hunting, martial arts and lifestyles related to downshifting. Although she loves metaphysics and poetry, she does not give up on practice and experiences in the field, measuring herself without presumption and without fear of change. She confesses that she is a travel-dependent , and loves to immerse himself in new realities for a long time, especially in remote countries or unique cultures. [email protected]