
These 10 signs show that others admire you (and it's not just politeness)

These 10 signs show that others admire you (and it's not just politeness)

Whether at work, with your friends or in everyday life, does your opinion matter to others? Do you even have the impression that those around you admire you, but you're not completely sure? Here are ten subtle signs that others admire you.

It's hard to know if someone really admires you or if they're just being polite. Besides, the admiration that people may have for you will not always be accompanied by grand gestures. On the contrary, it is rather discreet attitudes that should be noticed. Here are the ones.

Those around you are looking for your opinion

When a person admires another, they appreciate their way of thinking. Consequently, she will ask her more than the others, to know her opinion. If your friends or colleagues often ask you for help, this can show that they admire you and that your ideas and opinions are valuable to them.

Others remember little details about you

Does a friend remind you of an old story you told him? Does your colleague know your taste in coffee perfectly? In psychology, this can signify a form of admiration. This is because when people admire us, they tend to remember the finer details about us. This is not just because they are good listeners, but because they truly value our experiences and preferences.

They imitate your actions

When someone admires you, they will reproduce, often unconsciously, your actions. This phenomenon is known as the chameleon effect in psychology. The chameleon effect suggests that we often imitate the behaviors, gestures, and mannerisms of people we like or admire. So if you notice someone picking up on your phrases, mirroring your body language, or adopting your habits, it could be a sign that they hold you in high esteem. These people admire you and want to be like you.

They respect your boundaries

The respect people show towards you is also a form of admiration. If you notice that others respect your boundaries, this is also a sign of admiration.

They defend you in your absence

People who admire you will not tolerate negative comments about you, even when you are not there to defend yourself. If you are told that someone defended you during a conversation in your absence, know that this is a powerful sign of admiration. They are even reliable and rare people, on whom you can count.

They celebrate your successes

People who admire you will be delighted by your successes, as if they were their own. There is no room for envy or comparison, they are purely and simply happy for you, encourage you and are proud of what you have been able to accomplish.

They are there when needed

A person who admires you will be there when needed. She will listen to you and advise you, offering an attentive ear and sound advice. These people know how to comfort you in difficult times and remind you of your worth.

They challenge you

A person who admires you is not there to follow you blindly, without putting up the slightest argument. On the contrary, it will be there to push you to your limits and challenge your limits. It's also a way of showing their admiration for you, by showing you that you are capable of surpassing yourself.

They give you time

Time is a rare and precious commodity these days. A person who admires you will give you something of their own, whether it is to help you with a project or listen to you when you need it.

Good in his body, good in his head!

They show kindness and understanding

Finally, the most powerful sign of admiration is kindness. When people admire you, they treat you with kindness, warmth and understanding. They forgive your mistakes, understand your flaws, and accept you for who you are. They are patient with you, care about your feelings, and treat you with respect.

This kind of admiration is the most genuine and powerful. So if you have people in your life who consistently show you kindness and understanding, know that they truly look up to you.

About author

Gianluca Zompi (Yoga and martial arts expert) Atypical and unconventional researcher, she decides to leave his studies at the age of 15 to travel between Europe, Africa and Asia and especially India , where she currently lives and works. Over time, the research fields to which she has devoted himself most are integral yoga, psychonautics and oneironautics, mineralogy, fruit-hunting, martial arts and lifestyles related to downshifting. Although she loves metaphysics and poetry, she does not give up on practice and experiences in the field, measuring herself without presumption and without fear of change. She confesses that she is a travel-dependent , and loves to immerse himself in new realities for a long time, especially in remote countries or unique cultures. [email protected]