
A simple way to brighten your complexion? Shaving your face is a hit among celebrities

A simple way to brighten your complexion?  Shaving your face is a hit among celebrities

Facial shaving or dermaplaning is a procedure that has gained enormous popularity in recent years. You can see many videos on social media showing how to make them. But is it really worth trying this cosmetic hit?

A simple way to brighten your complexion?  Shaving your face is a hit among celebrities

Shaving your face – hit or miss? Everything you need to know about the popular trend

Dermaplaning is one of the most popular treatments on social media in recent years. Even though it gained popularity relatively recently, it has been known for centuries. Back then, in Asia, Japanese razors were used to get rid of vellus hairs, the so-called fuzz, and dead skin cells. The dermaplaning procedure itself is relatively simple. It involves using a razor, scalpel or a specialized device to remove hair and dead skin by lightly rubbing the facial skin so that the skin remains smooth and silky. However, many people still have a negative attitude. Most people are afraid that shaving their hair will make it thicker and darker. However, this is not true. Already in 1928, it was shown that shaving does not affect hair growth. More recent research also confirms this, adding that hair removal does not affect hair thickness.

The procedure itself has many benefits. This is a great way to mechanically exfoliate, which will remove not only hair and dead skin, but also impurities and excess sebum. This can have a great impact on the appearance of our skin, making it radiant and brighter. Moreover, regular use of peelings will prevent pores from getting clogged, which will reduce the risk of blackheads and pimples. Dermaplaning will also help increase the absorption of skin care products.

How to do dermaplaning? These people should avoid this treatment

Can you do the dermaplaning treatment yourself at home? Yes, but you need to remember the most important rules. First, you will need to thoroughly cleanse your skin. You should also remember to apply shaving products to prevent irritation. You will also need to purchase a single-blade razor designed specifically for dermaplaning. When shaving, we hold the razor at an angle of 45 degrees and move it over the skin in short movements, without exerting much pressure. We shave the hairs in the direction of their growth and remember to wash the blade after each stroke. After completing the treatment, it is worth using a soothing or moisturizing face cream or oil.

It is also worth noting that dermaplaning is not for everyone. People with active acne, infections or herpes should avoid this treatment. It may lead to the spread of viruses or bacteria, which may later result in inflammation and even scarring. Contraindications may also include cancer, skin wounds or nickel allergy.

Correctly performed treatment will make our skin softer and brighter. It can be used about once every four weeks. Importantly, if you have previously had a facial laser or exfoliation treatment, you will need to wait a few weeks before undergoing dermaplaning.

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