
While it works wonders, avoid it on sunny days. “Increases skin sensitivity to UV rays”

While it works wonders, avoid it on sunny days.  "Increases skin sensitivity to UV rays"

You should remember to care for your skin all year round, but you should take it especially seriously in the summer, when it is exposed to the harmful effects of sunlight. On warm days, protection in the form of UV filters is essential, but some cosmetics applied to the face in the summer may ruin all efforts and cause skin damage.

While it works wonders, avoid it on sunny days.  Increases skin sensitivity to UV rays

Retinol is a derivative form of vitamin A. It is one of the best-studied ingredients used in cosmetics, with many valuable properties that every woman will certainly appreciate. Despite this, the expert advises against using it on sunny days and explains why.

It's better not to use retinol in hot weather

There is a lot of talk about the harmful effects of sunlight on health, especially in summer. But we are exposed to their negative effects all year round. UV radiation can damage skin cells and ultimately cause skin cancer or melanoma.

The world-famous chemical engineer and creator of Cigdem skin care products Kemal Yilmaz emphasizes how important it is to be aware of what we put on our skin, especially when the sun is shining. As it turns out, one of the well-known skincare ingredients may do more harm than good.

The expert points out that using retinol during hot weather is a mistake that may result in skin damage. Although Retinol is a proven anti-aging product, using it on sunny days may increase the skin's sensitivity to UV rays.

– Retinol is a powerful ingredient that has really gained popularity over the last few years. It is a derivative of vitamin A and targets fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, pimples and pigmentation – emphasizes the specialist.

On the other hand, it is not recommended to use it during the day. – You may be tempted to use retinol during the day, but I advise against it because retinol causes the skin to exfoliate and become thinner, which increases its sensitivity to UV rays – she explained.

How to use retinol?

Instead of during the day, it is worth using retinol at night, preferably with a nourishing moisturizer to prevent dryness. – And every morning, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, regardless of the weather and season, and reapply it regularly during the day for maximum protection – says the chemist.

Under the influence of sunlight, inadequately protected retinol preparations may be damaged. Therefore, the expert recommends keeping them away from sunlight. – You should also always apply your retinol sparingly. Applying too much can really irritate the skin and damage the skin barrier, warns the skin care specialist.

If your biggest problem is fine lines or wrinkles around the eyes, Cigdem engineer Kemal Yilmaz advises against using high-concentration retinol because it may irritate the skin in this area and recommends choosing low-concentration retinol (0.25%-0.3%). ) or use an eye cream that contains it.