
How to Darken Your Eyebrows Naturally? Mix 2 Ingredients and Wait 15 Minutes

How to Darken Your Eyebrows Naturally? Mix 2 Ingredients and Wait 15 Minutes

Beautifully emphasized eyebrows optically enlarge the eye area and make us look younger. However, if we do not have too dark a frame, our hairs are almost invisible. You can reach for the popular henna or decide on special treatments performed in beauty salons. However, there is a much easier way.

How to Darken Your Eyebrows Naturally? Mix 2 Ingredients and Wait 15 Minutes

The method we propose is a social media hit. It turns out that no cosmetics are needed to achieve a spectacular effect. Two natural products are enough.

Beautiful eyebrows in 15 minutes? Try this TikTok hit

TikTok is bursting at the seams with all sorts of videos. Some of them are dedicated to skin care and simple makeup tips that can make our lives easier. An example is a video shared by a user named blusher, which has gained over 129,000 views.

The video shows how easy it is to darken your eyebrows without using any cosmetics. What's more, this type of treatment can stay on your face for several days, so you'll save a lot of time on your daily makeup.

All you need is a clean eyebrow brush, a little honey and ground coffee beans. Apply honey to the brush, then dip it in the coffee and comb your eyebrows. Leave the mixture on your face for about 15 minutes. Wash it off and enjoy the wow effect.

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Coffee in the Shower? Create the Perfect Exfoliation

Coffee can have various applications in daily care. It will not only naturally darken the eyebrows, but with the right treatments it will smooth and nourish the skin. As we know, coffee contains a lot of caffeine, which stimulates us to action, but this is not its only advantage. Caffeine also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

That's not all, coffee contains valuable polyphenols, mainly chlorogenic acid, which delays the aging process. Thanks to this, it prevents wrinkles and it is worth making homemade masks from coffee. However, by making a homemade peeling, we will smooth and moisturize the skin. It is worth adding a little coconut oil, which will leave a protective film on the skin.


  • 2 tablespoons of ground coffee,
  • tablespoon of coconut oil.

Just mix the ingredients and apply to a damp body. Then, use circular motions to cleanse the skin. Rinse off the mixture thoroughly. It is a good idea to exfoliate once a week.

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