
“A calming hit” as a hair growth agent. Spectacular effects in women and men

"A calming hit" as a hair growth agent. Spectacular effects in women and men

Dreaming of beautiful, thick hair? It is possible, provided that you choose the right care, including both shampoos and conditioners, as well as the way of combing, drying and using the right oils. Among the latter, scientists have taken a closer look at CBD oils and discovered that they can have a surprising effect on hair. How does CBD work on hair? We check.

Hit for calming down as a hair growth agent. Spectacular effects in women and men

CBD for Hair Growth? Promising Research Results

Thick hair is a dream not only for women but also for men. It is not without reason that hair transplant procedures, cosmetics to improve their condition, and even supplements that strengthen hair “from the inside” enjoy great popularity.

New scientific reports indicate the effectiveness of CBD in the context of hair growth. Cannabidiol, as it turns out, can be helpful in preventing hair loss and supporting its growth, indicate the results of the study. Scientists note that these are preliminary findings and the research requires continuation, but the results of the analyses so far sound optimistic.

How can CBD affect hair growth?

CBD, an organic compound derived from hemp plants that is gaining popularity, unlike THC, does not have a psychoactive effect. However, it is known to have a therapeutic effect: it can reduce pain, have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, reduce nervous tension and anxiety.

There are CBD products available that claim to have hair care properties, but they have not been studied for their effects on hair growth. There are currently no large, randomized studies, but those that are available may suggest a positive effect on hair health when it comes to CBD in the context of beneficial effects on hair growth.

Patients experienced more hair after using CBD oil

One of the analyses shows that in patients with androgenetic alopecia, the total number of hairs increased by 93.5% within 6 months. 33 ml of hemp extract containing 60% CBD was enough. Particular density of hair was observed on the top of the head. The disadvantage of this study is the fact that it was conducted on a small group of 35 patients, which means that in order to consider the research credible, the group of participants should be expanded.

Another study used CBD hemp oils and other cannabinoids – tetrahydrocannabinovarin (THCV) and cannabidivarin (CBDV). The study involved women and men. In men, hair growth was estimated at 246 percent. In women – 127 percent. It is believed that the additional cannabinoids THCV and CBDV enhanced the effect of CBD.

In turn, The Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology indicated that phytocannabinoids such as THC, CBN, CBG, CBC, THCV and CBDV – may – warning! – lead to hair loss. In the case of CBD, it was indicated that both very large doses and small doses can result in hair loss, which suggests that it is necessary to develop the ideal dose that will have a beneficial effect on hair and its growth.

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CBD for Hair – Cosmetics and Side Effects

In addition to CBD oils for the scalp, you can use ready-made conditioners and shampoos with this ingredient. Like all preparations, CBD substances applied directly to the skin can cause side effects. Due to the possibility of contact allergy symptoms, it is recommended to perform allergy tests beforehand by applying a small amount to the skin. Among the side effects are:

  • itchy skin
  • burning of the skin
  • a sensation of pinching the skin
  • rash, redness or other skin lesions
  • increased hair loss at high doses
  • allergic reactions

Why can CBD cause hair growth?

Due to the limited amount of scientific research currently available to indicate that CBD affects hair, the mechanism by which this occurs is not fully understood. Presumably, CBD may affect endocannabinoid receptors, reducing inflammation and stimulating hair follicles to grow. It is also thought that CBD may affect the growth phase of the hair cycle.

CBD also promotes better blood flow, which in turn improves the transport of nutrients to hair follicles and hair. “In the hair follicle, CBD is thought to block the CB1 receptor, which results in hair shaft elongation or growth,” explains Dr. Brian Toy, a dermatologist at Providence Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo, California.