
Self-care and naturalness: 7 beauty service trends today

Self-care and naturalness: 7 beauty service trends today

An integrated approach to a healthy lifestyle is the main trend in the beauty industry: according to forecasts from the Global Wellness Institute, the health and wellness market will increase to a record $7 trillion by 2025 from $4.4 trillion in 2020. This is also due to a change in consumer values: aesthetic changes in appearance are also considered from the point of view of health and emotional state. This means that in the modern world, cosmetology is inseparable from other areas of medicine, and the state of balance and harmony with oneself is the main request for the coming years.

The work rhythm of life also dictates new rules for self-care. According to a McKinsey study, over 50% of respondents today pay much more attention to health issues than they did a year ago. This may be due to the increased stress that almost half of Russians face, as follows from VTsIOM statistics. This is obvious: the more work tasks, the higher the responsibility and the burden on a person’s emotional state.

What can be done to restore the resource? Find a place where you can relax and recharge. Patients of clinics and beauty salons appreciate not only the atmosphere, but also a safe and individual approach to treatment.

Self-care and naturalness: 7 beauty service trends today

Leyla Abdulgalimova, founder of the Estee Clinic project

1. Aesthetics and intimacy

The right design of the space allows you to immerse yourself and escape from the outside world. As a rule, a laconic interior is complemented by soothing music, subdued lighting and pleasant aromas. In search of a solution for an aesthetic medicine clinic, designers strive to emphasize tranquility so that the patient can completely relax from worries. Natural shades and soft lighting are chosen as decoration.

To ensure privacy for clients, special zoning of the space with separate rooms is used, which creates a sense of intimacy, allowing each guest to comfortably spend time waiting for and after procedures.

2. Service

Details are extremely important for a sense of comfort. The signature menu of drinks and food, expert online magazines, subscriptions for services and work according to signature protocols allow clients to take a new look at the service. A wide selection of treats and drinks can safely be attributed to the classic service in modern clinics, so new spaces try to focus on individual work on problem areas of each patient and complete relaxation during the procedure.

All services in modern clinics are adapted to the individual request of the patient: the doctor analyzes the state of health, characteristics and problems of the person – only after that home care and a proprietary treatment protocol are selected.

3. Advanced technologies

Modern effective cosmetology cannot do without hardware techniques, including endospheres, BBL phototherapy, SMAS-lifting, laser resurfacing, epilation, RF-lifting, laser acne treatment and others. The effect of such procedures directly depends on the devices. Any update of the equipment is important: the newer the development, the higher the efficiency.

Another important factor when working with hardware methods is the qualification of the doctor who selects the number of procedures and equipment settings to solve a specific patient problem. For example, the depth of SMAS-lifting depends on the selected parameters and can be either 4.5 or 9 mm. The number of ultrasound lines is also determined individually. The doctor must have this knowledge in order to correctly adjust the device to the characteristics of each patient.

4. Individual treatment plan

A personal approach in medicine is valued today more than ever: the guest is always asked about his wishes, goals, and fears. After the initial consultation and data collection, an individual treatment protocol is drawn up, aimed at solving specific problems. This approach allows achieving the best possible result.

For example, if a guest is concerned about the loss of facial contours, the clinic can offer a choice of six procedures: SMAS lifting, BBL, RF lifting, contour plastic surgery, botulinum therapy or collagen stimulation. Everything works in a complex – this is a fact, but which procedures are suitable for a specific patient and how to combine them with home care, only a doctor can explain.

Photo: pexels

5. Preventive approach

Self-care, or wellness, helps to appreciate the meaning of beauty and its relationship with internal resources on a deeper level. The trend towards naturalness and personalization of treatment services has led to a preventive, comprehensive approach that combines aesthetic procedures with lifestyle and wellness recommendations.

6. Focus on problems

In most cases, patients turn to aesthetic medicine clinics to correct a specific problem. The specialist selects the optimal set of procedures using the appropriate technique and drugs. This helps to act on the problem as a whole and achieve visible results.

For example, when getting rid of stretch marks and stretch marks, the Estee Clinic uses a comprehensive two-stage approach: first, the doctor works on the flabbiness of the skin and evens out the relief using RF lifting and only then removes old cells by evaporating moisture from them and reduces the area of ​​stretch marks using laser resurfacing. The result is even and smooth skin.

Photo: pexels

7. Naturalness as a business card

Returning to natural beauty is a natural trend. It is important for patients to emphasize their natural beauty instead of radically changing their appearance. Safe, minimally invasive methods that gently affect the skin are used for this purpose. Such procedures help improve the appearance of the skin, make it denser, healthier and more radiant, and also affect a person’s self-perception. The “skin without makeup” effect is more relevant today than ever.

Lack of time and a tight schedule during the working day is one of the main problems of modern society. Therefore, a high-quality and quick reboot becomes the main request. The atmosphere in the clinic should be intimate and relaxing, and the procedure – comfortable and effective.

About author

I pass by being that person liable to duty, but who cannot resist the flights of imagination. I have always loved the legends, the myths and the stories of the old and distant times with my whole being. In high school I fell in love with the history of art and I made it the object of my university studies. Once I graduated, I dusted off an old flame: that of children's literature. I rediscovered the beauty and importance of illustrated books and books, where, to a quality text, images are added that give strength and enrich what is narrated with meaning. It can be said that illustrators often make real works of art! It was then that I decided to follow this passion of mine both as a volunteer, entering the ranks of readers born to read, and in my work as a librarian. I am a greedy devoured of illustrated books (I have an absolute weakness for the stories that have bears or wolves as protagonists!), I love simple stories that know how to strike and surprise. I hate pigeon-holed books in a specific age group and readers in a certain category of readings. I think everyone is different and deserves to choose (and be chosen by the books) without constraints, in complete freedom! [email protected]