Health and Fitness

Accelerate research against childhood cancer with Imagine for Margo

Accelerate research against childhood cancer with Imagine for Margo

Every year, 2,500 children are diagnosed with cancer in Europe. Beyond the pain and after the shock, as the video of little Aaron shows, families carry their child in what could be called the fight of a lifetime. A fight that the Imagine for Margo association, created in 2011 by Patricia and Olivier Blanc, decided to accelerate.

In 12 years, Imagine for Margo has allocated more than 20 million euros to more than 50 research projects, thus benefiting more than 3,000 children. Funded projects are selected for their scientific excellence and their ability to provide concrete solutions and are evaluated by an independent scientific committee.

For the association, understanding the mechanisms linked to pediatric cancers is crucial. Indeed, Imagine for Margo has supported projects such as MICCHADO, MAPPYACTS and BIOMEDE, aimed at identifying molecular, genetic and immunological factors in serious pediatric cancers. For example, continues Patricia Blanc, founding President of Imagine for Margo, the MICCHADO study made it possible to determine factors specific to high-risk cancers, facilitating precision medicine treatment. For example, the TAG-N-TRAK project targets a genetic abnormality in childhood fibrosarcoma and has shown spectacular results. The BIOMEDE program on infiltrative brainstem gliomas has yielded unexpected results, with eight children becoming the first long-term survivors of this cancer with a poor prognosis.”

Imagine for Margo also funds projects in immunotherapies and cellular therapies, including the use of CAR-T cells, to treat difficult solid tumors. Several projects are underway and already offer great hope for the thousands of little warriors who are fighting against the disease.

In line with all these programs, the AcSé-ESMART project is unique in the world in pediatrics. This project offers innovative therapeutic options for several types of cancers in relapse or therapeutic failure, based on the molecular and immunological analysis of tumors.

Finally, for children who cannot be included in a clinical trial, we supported the SACHA program, which collects data on the toxicity and effectiveness of innovative treatments in 31 French centers and several international centers, thus securing access to these therapies.

Imagine for Margo plays a crucial role in accelerating research, supporting promising projects, developing innovative treatments, and ensuring access to these therapies for children with cancer. The association’s actions concern all types of cancer. In parallel with its fundraising actions, Imagine for Margo raises awareness among as many people as possible, mobilizes key health stakeholders and supports more than 500 families.

For more information and to support the association’s work, go to