Health and Fitness

Afebrile: everything you need to know about the state of apyrexia

Afebrile: everything you need to know about the state of apyrexia

The term “afebrile” is used to describe the condition of a patient who does not have a fever. Should we consult if there is no fever? Is this symptom necessarily a sign of an infection? We take stock with Dr Cyril Bègue, general practitioner, and deputy secretary general of the College of General Medicine.

Definition: what does afebrile patient mean?

Derived from the Latin apyretus, “apyretic” is a term used in medical circles to designate the absence of fever. It is basic physiological state of any healthy individual. The absence of fever is a diagnostic element essential to eliminate potentially serious infectious pathologies.

However, it is possible to have a mild infection without fever, such as with a cold for example. “Apyrexia also allows follow the progress of an infection : If the fever subsides after 48 hours, this means that the treatment is working well and the patient is on the road to recovery. So that’s a pretty good sign.”comments Dr Cyril Bègue.

Conversely, antipyretic medications are given to reduce fever or prevent it from rising. These are paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

What do you call someone who has a fever?

A person who has a fever is said to be pyretic, febrile or feverish.

Can you have an infection without a fever? Is it possible ? What are they ?

“Not all infections necessarily induce a fever. This is the case for a simple cold which is an infection, or even cystitis (urinary infection)”indicates Dr Cyril Bègue.

What treatment should I follow in case of apyrexia?

By definition, apyrexia does not require treatment because it is not a disease. If the afebrile patient presents symptoms, treatment depends on the cause. “Fever is the symptom that points us towards an infection. For example, in the case of a headache accompanied by fever, we point towards flu or meningitis. Conversely, the same symptom in an afebrile patient points us towards another cause such as a migraine, tension headaches or more rarely bleeding or a tumor.develops the general practitioner.

Should you consult in case of illness without fever?

In the event of an illness that is not accompanied by fever, it is recommended to consult your doctor as soon as symptoms of a pathology appear or if they persist despite symptomatic treatment. For example, in cases of ENT disease, joint pain, fatigue, stress or even minor trauma.

On the other hand, it is not necessary to consult your general practitioner in the event of a cold because this condition is benign and viral, it heals spontaneously after a few days. If symptoms persist or worsen despite regular nose washings, it may be useful to consult.