Health and Fitness

After 40, regular health checkups reduce mortality

After 40, regular health checkups reduce mortality

Very often curative, medicine aims to be more and more preventive. This change brings real results and places the patient at the heart of the management of their health capital. A recent English study shows that regular health check-ups can reduce mortality.

Have you ever thought about doing a complete health check-up? In the United Kingdom, the process is offered to adults aged 40 to 74, once every five years. A way to prevent illnesses that could occur and reduce mortality.

A complete health check-up, to be done once every 5 years

In this study aimed at evaluating the benefit of health “check-ups”, epidemiologists from the University of Oxford and the Alan Turing Institute in London compared the state of health of participants in the prevention program. offered by the NHS, the English health service, with control cases chosen from the general population. The medical records of approximately 100,000 people were analyzed with an average follow-up of nine years. They were therefore only able to carry out the assessment once.

Pathologies detected earlier

Result: scientists observe, among people who have benefited from this assessment, fewer diagnoses of dementia, myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, acute kidney failure, cirrhosis, etc. And overall, they also note lower mortality. On the other hand, they report an increase in diagnoses of hypertension, cholesterol but also chronic kidney or liver pathologies.

Dr Gérald Kierzek: “40 is a pivotal age to take stock”

According to Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of TipsForWomens, “having a health check at the age of 40 is a good thing, because it represents a pivotal age“This is the time in life when we begin to identify risk factors and can implement screening.”This also represents a photograph at a given moment, which can serve as a reference for the rest.“adds the doctor.”This study shows that prevention works!“.

What health issues should you monitor?

For a health check-up, here are the health elements to evaluate, monitor and possibly correct according to your needs:

  • An assessment of risk factors: the healthcare professional evaluates your medical history, your family history, your lifestyle habits (diet, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption) and your occupational exposures;
  • And bilan sanguin, with blood tests to assess your cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides, and other blood parameters;
  • A blood pressure measurementwhich makes it possible to detect possible variations which could indicate hypertension, a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases;
  • An assessment of body massby calculating the BMI, in order to assess whether your weight is within a range considered healthy;
  • Diabetes screeningwith a blood sugar test that can be performed to assess your glucose tolerance and detect possible type 2 diabetes;
  • And ophthalmological assessment to detect vision problems, such as myopia, hyperopia, or age-related eye disorders;
  • A dental check-up to prevent possible dental and periodontal problems;
  • And cancer screening, depending on your family history and medical recommendations, specific screenings may be offered, such as a mammogram, or colorectal cancer screening;
  • Tips for a healthy lifestyleon a balanced diet, physical exercise, stress management or sleep, to maintain good health.

In Europe, since September 2022, everyone can benefit from a free medical consultation to take stock of their physical and mental health at 25, 45 and 65 years old.