Health and Fitness

Alexei Navalny reportedly died of a “sudden death”. What does that mean ?

Alexei Navalny reportedly died of a “sudden death”.  What does that mean ?

Opponent of President Vladimir Putin, Alexeï Navalny died in prison on February 16. To explain his death, the official Russian version suggests a sudden death. What does that mean ? Explanations from Dr Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor member of the TipsForWomens expert committee.

Died within the confines of the IK-3 penal colony, located north of the Arctic Circle, in Kharp, a town located approximately 1,900 km northeast of Moscow, the opponent Alexeï Navalny would have succumbed to a sudden death. The man, aged 47, was serving a 19-year prison sentence for “extremism”.

He reportedly “felt bad after a walk”

According to the official version reported by the Russian authorities, Alexeï Navalny would have “felt sore after a walk“.

On February 16, 2024, within the walls of the IK-3 penal colony, convict Alexei Navalny felt unwell after a walk and almost immediately lost consciousness. All necessary measures to revive him were undertaken, without producing positive results.“said the prison administration in a press release.”The causes of death are being established” they explain.

The opponent’s body was handed over to the morgue and his relatives, notably his wife, have not been able to have access to it for the moment. Shortly after, the penitentiary establishment allegedly suggested sudden death syndrome to explain Navalny’s death.

What is sudden death syndrome?

Sudden death or sudden death syndrome causes 60,000 deaths each year in Europe and 4 to 5 million worldwide. “It is a sudden and unexpected death, often described as a fatal event without warning.” describes Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of TipsForWomens.

In fact, the individual loses consciousness, stops breathing and his heart stops beating. “It is not following the outcome of a pathology, but rather following a cardiac event, such as a rhythm disorder, pulmonary embolismatrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction…” lists the specialist.

The causes of sudden death will not always be known. “If it is a rhythm disorder, for example, this will not be visible at autopsy.” he emphasizes again.

Very low chances of survival

Sometimes, in the absence of an answer on the precise cause of death, genetic research or research with family members can shed light on the circumstances of the death of the patient suffering from sudden death. You should know that sudden death syndrome affects men more than women, who are three times more affected.

And according to the Coeur Recherche Foundation website, “the survival rate for sudden death without major neurological sequelae remains less than 3%”.