Health and Fitness

Are blue anti-glare glasses really useful? Our expert allows us to see more clearly

Are blue anti-glare glasses really useful?  Our expert allows us to see more clearly

Sold by opticians, are anti-blue light glasses and filters effective in protecting our eyes? A new study seriously questions their usefulness. The explanations of Pr Antoine Brézin, head of the ophthalmology department at Cochin hospital, in Paris.

Blue light is a natural component of the visible spectrum, most of which comes to us from sunlight. Also emitted by screens, blue light would tire our eyes and affect the quality of our sleep. Anti-blue light glasses and filters have been marketed for several years by opticians to counter these effects. But are they really useful?

No visible effect on eyestrain or sleep

This work analyzes 17 randomized clinical trials carried out in six different countries. The number of participants in individual studies ranged from 5 to 156, and the length of time the devices were evaluated ranged from less than a day to five weeks.

For the lead author of this work, Dr Laura Downie of the University of Melbourne University, the conclusions are clear: “We found that there may be no short-term benefit to using spectacle lenses with a blue light filter to reduce eye strain associated with computer use, compared to glasses conventional filtration”. According to the author, the existing data on sleep disturbances “are not conclusive” and remain too “limited.”

Should I wear blue light filter glasses?

For Dr Laura Downie, “people should be aware of these results when deciding whether or not to buy these glasses”. However, she takes a step back from her conclusions, recalling that most studies highlight the need for further work, over longer periods of time, before being able to draw more complete conclusions on the potential benefit of wearing these blue light blocking glasses. .

TipsForWomens chose to question Pr Antoine Brézin, to see more clearly : “These glasses are marketed with the aim of filtering the blue light emitted by the screens. What we can say is that there are no studies demonstrating their protective effect on AMD for example (macular degeneration related to age, editor’s note) or any other ophthalmic pathology. On the other hand, blue light can generate discomfort and affect our ability to fall asleep. So if these glasses are a source of comfort, we must not deprive ourselves of them , without however imagining that they “protect” the eyes”.