Health and Fitness

Autoimmune diseases: here is the food that could reduce inflammation!

Autoimmune diseases: here is the food that could reduce inflammation!

While 5 to 8% of the world’s population is affected today by an autoimmune disease, a new study reveals that a food would be effective in naturally reducing inflammation and helping people cope better with their illness. What is it?

Autoimmune diseases are pathologies which result from a dysfunction of the immune system leading the latter to attack the normal constituents of the body, such as multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis. And they are not that rare: according to Inserm, 5 to 8% of people in the world are affected by an autoimmune disease, and are constantly looking for what could improve their quality of life. A new study may provide part of the answer: a particular food appears to reduce inflammation if consumed regularly. .

7 days of ginger reduces possible inflammation

The researchers thus tested the effect of ginger on neutrophils, a type of white blood cell. Why on these elements precisely? Because these neutrophils detect bacteria and can attack them with their Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs) “neutrophil extracellular traps” (the so-called NETosis phenomenon). But these NETs can also trigger inflammation by turning against the patient’s immune system, particularly when they are hyperactive.

During a clinical trial, researchers observed that when healthy participants took a daily ginger supplement for a week (20 mg of gingerols/day), they noticed an increase in a chemical called cAMP in their body. participant neutrophils. However, high levels of cAMP have the particularity of hindering NETs, ​​which could be useful when people are exposed to triggers associated with certain diseases. In short, this would mean that the consumption of ginger would limit the hyperactivity of neutrophils while making these neutrophils more resistant to NETosis.

A more natural and affordable method

“We found a specific pathway through which ginger supplements may have an anti-inflammatory effect” welcome the researchers in their study. Their option could indeed be useful: many people suffering from inflammatory diseases are regularly looking for natural solutions, or supplements that will help them get better.

In fact, supplementing with ginger does not really pose any difficulty and turns out to be good news:

“For many, finding the right treatment can be complicated and require some experimentation. While we still need more research in this area, those already interested in taking ginger can use research like this as a guide with their healthcare professional to explore potential dosing options” conclude the researchers.