Baby Care

Baby planner, a new profession around perinatal care

Baby planner, a new profession around perinatal care

Does the job of wedding planner mean something to you? Know that the same thing exists for future parents! The principle: to help you prepare for the arrival of your baby, in terms of organization, logistics and equipment. Alexandra Martin, baby planner, tells us everything about this new profession.

When a baby project comes to fruition, and especially when it is a first child, future parents who want to welcome their offspring as best as possible often feel overwhelmed. They find themselves drowned by the flood of information between medical follow-up, birth preparation appointments and advice of all kinds.. It is therefore difficult to make the right choice when it comes to identifying your needs when making childcare purchases, which represent a significant budget. And for good reason, a household would spend around €1,500 for a first baby. So it’s better not to be mistaken… It is in this context that baby planning appeared in the 2000s in England. A few years later, the trend arrived in Europe.

Baby planner, what is it?

“This is a person who has been trained and who will help future parents to organize the arrival of the baby and the return home. It is help with logistics and organization”summarizes Alexandra Martin, baby planner.
To understand clearly, just take the example of the wedding planner and transpose it to the theme of the arrival of a baby.. “We are neither doulas (who take care of the physiological and emotional aspects), nor perinatal carers in charge of sleep, nutrition or breastfeeding. We do not deal with medical issues and our role is not to replace pregnancy monitoring. We work in complementarity”warns the baby planner.

Why use a baby planner?

“For future parents, it’s about saving time. They often have little time and are lost. Our role is to enlighten them, to get to the point, particularly on childcare”explains Alexandra Martin.

  • Help with choosing childcare equipment

But beware, the baby planner does not choose for the parents. “She is there to reassure them and advise them according to their lifestyle, the family environment and their budget.”. Another important point: this professional must be neutral with regard to brands by only offering those which truly correspond to the expectations of future parents.
New, second hand, loan or rental? Many future parents, sensitive to ecology, wish to turn to second-hand childcare or even benefit from donations from those close to them. The baby planner also has an advisory role to explain what can be purchased new or second hand. And then pre-select the corresponding products.

  • Save money

Indeed, you only need to open the doors of a large childcare brand to realize the extent of the market… and its pitfalls. You can find many useless, even dangerous, childcare items on the shelves. The baby planner will be there to prevent you from falling into marketing traps and will prevent you from spending your budget unnecessarily. The key: great savings!

  • Projecting yourself as future parents

The professional will, thanks to her advice, allow you to plan for your future life. She is there to answer your practical and logistical questions and give you tips for getting back home. Concretely, this could involve helping you to properly organize the baby’s room, the right reflexes to adopt so as not to feel overwhelmed by the organization at home (cleaning, cooking, baby care, etc.).

Who are the parents who use a baby planner?

Without surprise, 90% are future parents who are welcoming their first baby to you. And in the vast majority of cases, it is the mothers-to-be who initiate contact with the baby planner. With social networks, some future dads don’t hesitate to talk about it with their partner. “But it can also be couples who are expecting their second child and whose environment or professional situation has completely changed and who therefore need to be supported and advised for this new life.”, underlines Alexandra Martin. And add “for couples, I always include the co-parent, especially during the postpartum preparation workshop”. Finally, some single mothers, with positions of responsibility and therefore little time, also use baby planning.

Choosing the right baby planner

Although the profession is still little known, future parents are not immune to scams. And for good reason, baby planning is not a regulated profession in Europe. Simply put, anyone can open a business and call themselves a “baby planner”.

It is therefore better to find out in advance, ensuring the seriousness of the professional. Indeed, for the moment, this profession is female.

  • Check skills

“The French-speaking association of baby planners references certified and active people via the baby planner directory”, explains our expert. In Europe, 7 are currently present. But the list is not exhaustive. Also know that some baby planners may have basic training as a childcare nurse, childcare assistant or even choose to train in babywearing.
Before rushing, don’t hesitate to ask the baby planner about her skills and experience. Also ask your midwife, entourage, friend… who may be able to recommend a competent person to you.

  • Request a quote, read the general conditions of sale

Most often involving tailor-made support, it is better to have a formal written document on the cost and the services included and any supplements to be expected if the professional travels at home or accompanies you for a shopping trip. If the professional provides you with their general conditions of sale, this is an additional guarantee of quality. “For my part, I also chose to join the CNPM, an organization which intervenes in the event of a dispute with the consumer“, specifies Alexandra Martin.

  • Feel a good feeling

It is indeed essential, because this outside person will enter into your privacy and ask you questions. It is therefore essential that you, as a couple or alone, have good contact with her.

The parent Factory : la formation au baby planning en Europe
This online training offers 60 hours of courses over two months and includes different themes and master classes, including: childcare equipment, safety at home, sleep, reusable diapers, childcare and postpartum. At the head of The Parent Factory, Aurélie Auriac (formerly baby planner), who also involves other experts (lawyer, osteopath, etc.). This structure benefits from the Qualiopi certificate.

Baby planning in practice

In general, this begins with an initial exchange via the baby planner’s website or social networks, before a face-to-face discussion. Besides, it is not always essential to meet. Most often, baby planning can be done by videounless you want personalized shopping support or a specific intervention at home (for example to arrange the baby’s room).

“I always start by offering a 30-minute phone call to introduce myself, explain how it works and find out the needs of the future parents”assures our expert.
Afterwards, several options are often offered according to needs, with different themes: help with the choice of childcare equipment, postpartum preparation (stay in the maternity ward, managing the organization of the return home, who can help, how, etc.), childcare arrangements, safety at home.

Other professionals can offer additional workshops/services: carrying, wrapped bath, baby massage, etc. Depending on the case, you can also benefit from access to online workshops with access to files (maternity suitcase check list , the essentials for birth…) in complete autonomy.

How much does it cost ?

Prices are free and set by each baby planner. Most of the time, Several options are available to you, depending on your needs.The price of tailor-made support depends on the needs of the parents, they start at €169 for a duration of approximately one month, with 2 recommendations for childcare equipment (such as the stroller and the car seat), post- partum and unlimited access to online supports such as checklists”details Alexandra Martin.
For a thematic consultation, count around between fifty and sixty euros, depending on the professional.
A price which may seem expensive but which will be paid for by the savings made by purchasing THE equipment that really suits you and by avoiding the pitfalls. Finally, request a written quote as soon as you are ready to use baby planning and read all the conditions carefully before signing it.

About author

Ilaria Barabrossa (Journalist) She currently practices his profession in the province of Verona with a focus on: overweight, obesity (also in children) dyslipidaemias (high triglycerides and cholesterol), hepatic steatosis, diabetes, insulin resistance, renal failure. Graduated in Communication Sciences and Technologies at the IULM University of Milan in 2010, since 2013 she is registered with the Order of Journalists , as a publicist. [email protected]