
Beef gall soap: mode of action and use of this super stain remover

Beef gall soap: mode of action and use of this super stain remover

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Mud, blood, grass, chocolate…Children's clothes rarely remain intact. To overcome these stubborn stains, there is a formidable remedy: beef gall soap. Explanations with Alexandre Cressot, nicknamed the Viking of the household.

What is beef gall soap?

A unique composition based on ox bile and Marseille soap

Ox gall soap is a product degreaser and stain remover Peerless. 100% natural, it is made from ox bile. “Or rather, from cow bile, we should say, because today, the vast majority of products sold under the name “beef” are in reality most often derived from cows”, comments Alexandre Cressiot. If this soap is so miraculous, it is because ox bile is rich in acids which disperse fats, and in lipoid substances, which have the capacity to dissolve dyes. “The effectiveness of ox bile was discovered around 1760. Originally, it was used to wash laundry but it was imbued with a foul odor. Until the day a scientist discovered had the idea of ​​mixing ether with ox bile, which made it possible to neutralize the odor while retaining the stain remover and degreasing properties”, relates the Viking of the household. It was in the 19th century that the composition of soap changed. We added Marseille's soap with ox bile to create a real ox gall soap that can be used by everyone. “Marseille soap is a very good deodorizing cleaner, while beef gall is a degreasing stain remover. This is why the mixture of the two gives way to a soap of formidable effectiveness”, he specifies.

Why use ox gall soap?

Considered an eco-responsible product, beef gall soap is effective on all kinds of stains, including the most encrusted. Milk, puree, chocolate, fat, fruit, grass, mud, markers, markers, blood, wine… It is also very effective for cleaning baby bodysuits stained by liquid stools. Ox gall soap also has the advantage of being able to be used on all types of textileseven the most delicate. “We can wash clothes made of silk, linen, wool, cashmere, denim, without altering the textile fiber. Ox gall only attacks the stain found in the interstices of the fibers. “reassures Alexandre Cressiot.

How to use it?

To use ox gall soap, simply dampen the fabric with water and scrub the stain with the soap. We leave it to act for fifteen minutes then put it in the machine. For the most stubborn stains, it is possible to repeat the operation using a soft brush.

Liquid laundry detergent recipe

Alexandre Cressiot reveals his recipe for ultra-stain-removing laundry detergent based on beef gall soap:

  • In 500ml of hot water, grate 30g of beef gall soap;
  • Add 40g of baking soda;
  • Add 20g of soda crystals. This natural degreaser helps accentuate the degreasing stain removal effect;
  • Add 60g of Marseille soap flakes;
  • To mix everything. This detergent is used like a classic detergent.

Where can you find beef gall soap? At what price ?

Beef gall soap can be found in DIY stores, supermarkets, organic stores and drugstores. As for the choice of soap, beware of derivatives. “In real beef gall soap, there are two main ingredients: Marseille soap and beef gall. Honey, sugar and turpentine are added for odors. Prices vary from brand to brand to the other, be careful not to succumb to pretty packaging which does not guarantee the effectiveness of the product”concludes our interlocutor.

About author

Maria Teolis is a psychologist. Collaborator at the Elpis Center of Ispra (Varese) multidisciplinary study specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders (behavioral disorders, learning, etc.), psychotherapy for children and adults, psychomotor, pedagogical, speech therapy, educational and osteopathic treatment, where she deals with training activities and strengthening specific skills and is involved in different types of projects aimed at children and adolescents. It collaborates with a cooperative offering educational and support services to children and young people with behavioral problems, learning or problems of different nature related to the evolutionary sphere. Attentive to the aspects of psycho-motor development, she carries out activities with children aimed at strengthening and increasing motor, emotional and relational skills. She currently attends a master in Sports Psychology. [email protected]