Health and Fitness

Black ice: advice to avoid falling, by Dr Gérald Kierzek

Black ice: advice to avoid falling, by Dr Gérald Kierzek

The first snowflakes of the year fell across much of Europe yesterday and as night fell, many places were able to freeze and create patches of ice. To avoid falling, here are ten common sense tips, reminded by Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of TipsForWomens.

In addition to the severe cold forecast throughout Europe these days, icy weather is also making a comeback. To avoid any risk of falling, which is more important at this time of year, Dr Gérald Kierzek gives us some common sense advice that is useful to follow.

Wear suitable shoes

Do you have to leave your house in cold and icy weather? Choose good shoes to avoid slipping. “Preferably choose non-slip shoes or shoes with crampons, in order to limit the risks when you move” advises Gérald Kierzek.

Keep your hands free

Unless necessary, such as carrying shopping, for example, it is better to keep your hands free when you have to walk outside in extreme cold and risk of ice. “By keeping your hands free, you can better balance your body in space and avoid falling. We are also less unbalanced by the weight we carry.” notes the doctor.

Walk carefully

Again, it’s common sense, but when the ground can potentially be slippery, it’s best to tread carefully. “We thus avoid sudden movements, by taking small steps, which allows us to better maintain our balance.” adds the expert.

Take support when possible

When traveling, it is sometimes possible to hold on to street furniture. “Use ramps, places where you can stand, when you move, this allows you to catch yourself if you slip” said Dr. Gérald Kierzek.

Watch where you put your feet

Once again, it’s common sense: to avoid patches of ice, it’s better not to set foot on them! “Shaded areas, for example, can stay frozen longer, so it’s best to avoid them” advises the doctor.

Be careful when you leave your home

Very often, people slip at the first step they take outside their home. “The patch of ice is sometimes right in front of your front door, so you have to be careful and salt your driveway if necessary.” recommends the doctor.

Leave early

When you go out in the cold and have an appointment, it is best to avoid leaving at the last minute. “By leaving early, you can take your time getting to your appointment and use safer detours, if necessary, without risking being late ” expose l’expert.

Avoid distractions

To limit the risk of falling, you stay focused when you walk. “We forget cell phones and other distractions, to stay focused on the ground and avoid iceDr Gérald Kierzek recommends.

Only go out if necessary

It’s also obvious: if you don’t have a reason to go out, it’s better to stay at home. “Indeed, to avoid falling on the ice, it is better not to go out – this is still the best solution – if it is not essential” confirms the doctor

Listen to the safety instructions

Weather reports provide valuable information about the weather and temperatures. “It is therefore important to stay informed and adapt your activities, where possible, depending on the weather.” concluded Gérald Kierzek.