Health and Fitness

Caregivers: who to ask for help?

Caregivers: who to ask for help?

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Family caregivers face significant challenges in their support role. It is essential to recognize the importance of asking for help to preserve one’s well-being and ensure quality support. By exploring the different resources available, family caregivers can find a fundamental balance between their role and their own well-being.

Support platforms

Among the different support options for family caregivers, there are many online platforms dedicated to supporting family caregivers. They provide information, resources and discussion forums where you can ask questions, get advice and interact with other caregivers.

Associations and support groups

Associations and support groups play an important role for family caregivers by offering them practical advice and specific resources. Examples of associations include the French Association of Carers (Afa) which offers information, training and exchange spaces for carers. The Association of Paralyzed People of Europe (APF) and the Europe Alzheimer Association are also remarkable resources for caregivers of people with disabilities or neurodegenerative diseases. As for support groups, they can be organized locally by health centers, social centers or associations.

Peer helpers

Peer carers are people who have been family carers themselves and now offer their support and experience to other carers facing similar situations. By sharing their own journeys and offering attentive listening, they can provide valuable emotional support to family caregivers. Their unique understanding of the challenges and concerns caregivers face allows them to offer practical advice, coping strategies and helpful resources. Peer care groups, whether in person or online, provide a safe space where caregivers can connect, exchange experiences and feel understood.

Ask a loved one for help

The help of loved ones can be invaluable. Don’t hesitate to reach out to extended family members, close friends and neighbors. They can provide emotional support, offer a listening ear, and help you with daily tasks.