Health and Fitness

Dizziness: the 4 alarming signs that should prompt you to consult

Dizziness: the 4 alarming signs that should prompt you to consult

Headaches, slurred speech… Certain signs that accompany dizziness should prompt you to consult a doctor. The list, with Dr. Kierzek, medical director of TipsForWomens.

If dizziness is a frequent reason for medical consultation, it should be distinguished from a simple feeling of dizziness.

Rotational vertigo gives the illusion that the environment is moving around us, while dizziness gives the impression of pitching, we feel unstable, like during vagal discomfort“, explains Dr. Kierzek.

Moreover, if the vertigo is due to an inner ear disorder or a neurological problem, the dizzy sensation is caused by multiple factors: consumption of alcohol, tobacco or medication, pregnancy, hypoglycemia. …

Dizziness: signs that should alarm you

The first dizziness

The first episode of rotational vertigo should alert you and lead you to consult a specialist. The latter will then give you his diagnosis“, explained Dr. Kierzek.

Dizziness that lasts over time

If the vertigo lasts or is recurring, you should consult a specialist“, warns the medical director of TipsForWomens.

Dizziness that is accompanied by other symptoms

If other signs appear following dizziness – such as headache, slurred speech or neurological signs, which indicate a potential stroke – seek medical advice immediately.“, advises the medical director of TipsForWomens.

Dizziness that occurs after trauma

If dizziness occurs after trauma – such as brain manipulation or head trauma – you must quickly consult“, says the emergency doctor.

Dizziness: the main causes to know

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common of all vertigos. This rotational vertigo is caused by changes in head positions, associated with nystagmus (rhythmic movement of the eyes, which is involuntary, editor’s note).

This is the biggest cause of dizziness. This severe rotating dizziness can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The Dix and Hallpike maneuver, which consists of reproducing vertigo by having the patient sit on the edge of a bed with legs dangling, helps confirm the diagnosis.“, assures the medical director of TipsForWomens.

Vestibular neuritis

It is a disorder characterized by a sudden and severe attack of dizziness.caused by a viral infection (inflammation of the vestibular nerve, editor’s note), itself associated with nystagmus, a jerky and rapid movement of the eyes.advanced Dr. Kierzek.

The attack of dizziness can, here too, be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Ischemic stroke

This is surely the worst cause of dizziness: ischemic stroke.

It must be taken very seriously“, said Dr. Kierzek with caution, if not serious injuries.

Symptoms-wise, this cerebral infarction can be accompanied by headaches, double vision, paralysis, speech problems, etc.

Ménière’s Disease

“Ménière’s Disease is caused by a disorder of the inner ear. It is characterized by recurrent dizziness and a progressive loss of hearing”notes the emergency doctor.

Dizziness appears suddenly and is associated with nausea and vomiting.

Vestibular migraine

Another common cause of dizziness: vestibular migraine, the main symptom of which is dizziness that comes and goes.

It can cause headaches and intolerance to noise or light“, warns Dr. Kierzek.