Health and Fitness

Dr Stéphane Manzo-Silberman, cardiologist: “Digital technology makes it possible to better monitor insufficient patients”

Dr Stéphane Manzo-Silberman, cardiologist: “Digital technology makes it possible to better monitor insufficient patients”

TipsForWomens wanted to focus on innovations in different medical specialties. Dr. Stéphane Manzo-Silberman, cardiologist at the Institute of Cardiology at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, gives us his vision of current and future advances in his field.

What are the advances in cardiology that have marked these last few years?

Dr Stéphane Manzo-Silberman, cardiologist: In cardiology, I would say that there have been three major advances in recent years.

Advances in techniques primarily for structural heart diseases (which result from abnormalities in the structure of the heart, including the valves, walls and heart muscles), as well as in the development of the management of valvular and tricuspids. From now on, these can no longer be treated surgically but transcutaneously, that is to say without opening the thorax.

The second advance is the management of amyloid heart disease. Cardiac amyloidosis (a disease of the heart muscle which is abnormally thickened and rigid) which was little known and neglected and now benefits from a specific drug treatment with a dedicated care pathway. Hypertrophic heart disease (which includes heart disorders that cause thickening and stiffening of the walls of the ventricles) has also had a dedicated medication since November, which not only improves symptoms and reduces mortality.

Finally, the development of applications and digital technology in the world of cardiology represents another advance, with remote monitoring, and the implementation of improved monitoring of the care of patients with heart failure.

Which ones do you think will mark 2024?

In 2024, there is of course Carmat, the artificial heart that we are impatiently awaiting. The other innovation which is beginning to emerge in our field is the ultrasound treatment of aortic stenosis which must develop. And there are always more and more applications for patient monitoring, earlier detection of decompensation and better patient information. We hope to see verified and controlled information, accessible.

What can this change for patients?

Continuing into the digital era can greatly improve early care, while facilitating the orientation of the patient journey, strengthening communication, to ask questions and treat patients more quickly and effectively, without waiting for complications. An essential tool to overcome difficulties in medical planning and access to care.

In your opinion, is there a line of research that could revolutionize cardiology?

We didn’t have a bad time in cardiology. Is there still one? Perhaps in the field of terminal heart failure an area where we can further improve cardiac assistance.