
Fireworks: how to protect your pet from noise?

Fireworks: how to protect your pet from noise?

In order to celebrate the national holiday, on July 14, each year, many fireworks are fired all over Europe. In our four-legged animals, these noises can be frightening and harmful to their ears. However, there are tricks to protect them. TipsForWomens takes stock.

If they amaze young and old alike, fireworks are however very noisy and stressful for our dogs and cats. Producing between 150 and 175 decibels, the fireworks explode like gunshots in the ears of our four-legged friends. That’s why, as July 14 approaches, here are some tips to protect your pet.

Very sensitive hearing

Unlike humans, dogs and cats are known to have very fine hearing. Indeed, they can perceive sound waves up to 60,000 Hz. In humans, the threshold of audibility is around 20,000 Hz. The hearing of these animals is therefore much more fragile than ours.

The fireworks are therefore a very trying moment for them. As the 30 Million Friends Foundation points out, the majority of animals are frightened by these multiple detonations: “these deafening noises are a source of stress and are perceived by them as a danger that must be avoided”.

What tips to protect my pet?

To ease the anxieties of our pets during a fireworks display, here are some recommendations:

  • For dog owners, do not take your pet to shooting locations. Some dogs may become aggressive or even run away. “Above all, don’t take him when he’s still a puppy: that’s what can traumatize him. The masters wrongly think that it gets them used to it, but that’s not true: on a leash, the dog can’t run away and it’s so violent that he can’t get used to it!”, precise for 30 million friends, Dr. Laetitia Barlerin, veterinarian.
  • Keep your pet away from the sounds of fireworks by leaving it inside your home.
  • Provide him with a shelter where he can isolate himself and feel safe if he is afraid. “Allow your dog to hide… You can even help him by putting his bed in a quiet, dark place. Some people feel safe in a closet while others hide behind the toilet… his transport cage available: this closed and dark place will allow him to feel safe”advises the foundation. “Cats know very well where they feel safe: let them go and don’t disturb them”adds the veterinarian for 30 Million Friends.
  • Close shutters, curtains, blinds and windows to muffle sounds and reduce the intensity of stressful lights for the animal.
  • Divert your pet’s attention by turning on the television, radio or soothing music, for example.
  • Use natural painkillers like collars, sprays or food supplements to soothe your pet. If necessary, ask your veterinarian for advice.
About author

Giovanna Pirri (Nutritional Biologist) Graduated in Biological Sciences with a thesis on the nutritional approach in the diabetic patient, she graduated with full marks in Health Biology at the University of Padua in 2008 . In 2011 she passed the State Exam and qualified for the profession of Nutritional Biologist . She obtained the Master in Human Nutrition in Milan, and remains constantly updated through characterizing courses on the universe of food. [email protected]