
First Youtuber in Europe, is Tibo Inshape a good sports coach?

First Youtuber in France, is Tibo Inshape a good sports coach?

With more than 19 million subscribers on YouTube, Thibaud Delapart, aka Tibo Inshape, is the most followed YouTuber in Europe. Is the 32-year-old young man, who became known for his fitness videos but also some controversies, a good coach? TipsForWomens interviewed Jérémie Blanchard, sports coach, to find out.

Since Sunday May 26, Thibaud Delapart, aka Tibo Inshape, has moved ahead of Squeezie in the YouTube rankings. The 32-year-old young man is officially, with more than 19 million subscribers, the most followed YouTuber in Europe. But is Tibo Inshape a good sports coach?

Thousands of videos posted over the past ten years

It's been a decade now since Tibo Inshape started its activity on YouTube. It offers videos in the form of fitness classes, but also on other subjects outside the sporting context.

One of his videos, published in 2022, in which he invites people suffering from depression to “wake up” and “stop being (a person) without any motivation” who “wastes his life” was particularly was poorly received. The YouTuber had to apologize the next day, following these inappropriate comments. Other, more recent videos of the young man also flirt with the red line.

“The exercises are good, there is good energy”

Initially, it was for his fitness videos that the young man became known. He also attributes his bodybuilder body, biceps and bulging abs to his daily training. Do you have to follow his videos to hope to be like him? Or at least maintain your physical fitness?

“If we stick to the content, YouTube fitness videos are not bad, whether those of Tibo or those of other coaches” first of all recognizes Jérémie Blanchard, sports coach. “The exercises are good, there is good energy, there are sometimes live group classes which allow you to have a sporting event, on a daily basis, it's rather positive!”.

Catchy titles…sometimes misleading

So should we believe the video that promises to make us lose our abdominal fat by following this or that series of exercises? “Non“replies the coach.”It must be remembered that the weightloss is linked to caloric combustion which will be uniform throughout the body. Likewise, weight gain is also uniform, even if certain parts of the body – such as the hips in women or the abdominal belt in men – store fat more easily. But promising that you can lose stomach or thighs based on this or that workout is not true. reminds our expert.

Watch out for injury when you're alone!

The other problem, for the coach, is linked to Internet users who will try to reproduce without precaution the exercises seen on video. “The people who will be tempted to follow this type of content are those who want to resume a sporting activity or those who are new to sports. fitness. They opt for virtual classes due to a busy schedule or lack of funds, because they cannot afford a coach..

For the expert, this is where the problem lies. “Following this type of exercise, alone, without the supervision of a coach, risks injury.” adds Jérémie Blanchard. “When there’s no one to correct a bad move, it’s easier to get hurt.”

Good in his body, good in his head!

So how can you avoid injury?

To avoid any risk of injury, three options are possible:

  • You must either learn the movement well, with a professional, to be sure to reproduce it correctly at home;
  • Have a personal coach, when you can afford it;
  • Or failing that, take group lessons – less expensive – to still benefit from the supervision and advice of a professional.
About author

Federico Viri was born in 1982 in Savignano sul Panaro (MO) at the Aurora Community (yoga center) where she lived until the age of twenty and then moved to Tuscany. Graduated in Herbal Techniques , she attended the ABEI High School of Naturopathy with a 4th year master's degree. In the teaching staff of the ABEI school he teaches nutrition and nutrition, nephropathy, herbal medicine, botany, pharmacognosy, aromatherapy and habitat medicine. For several years he has actually been working for food and environmental education in Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna , with particular attention to pediatric nutrition and vegetarian and vegan food routes. [email protected]